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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:23 pm
by JeffH
December 30
For my last hike of 2018 I managed to talk Karen into getting out someplace a little more adventurous than the Wilderness Park, so we hit up Stoddard Peak. Not much to talk about here since it’s mostly fire road, except that all the rock falls were cleared since the last time I was up there. That might be good news for the bikers amongst us.
One of the cabins in Barrett Canyon is for sale - 259,000 could get you about a thousand square feet.
It was another fine day for a walk, warm enough in the sun to roll up the sleeves and great views of the higher peaks around.

New sign to me.

Crossing the creek near the cabins.

Clearly marked access trail now. Could use a little trimming on the slope.

How is class 3 defined? About 25 feet of the route past this rock requires using hands for balance.

Summit register.

Re: Stoddard

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:11 am
by Girl Hiker
Wow! I've been up there many times since 2014, the summit was always overgrown and I have never ever been able to find a BM. Last time I was there was 2017. I can't believe that someone has actually cleaned it up. Thats a great hike. Thanks for the report. I need to go back.
These are some pics attached from 2017.



Re: Stoddard

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:03 am
by JeffH
Summit is a little clearer now. The triangular marker is still intact too.
