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The Josephine Express

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:54 pm
by dima
I've never been to Josephine Peak before, and today was the day. The aerials suggested there was a use trail following a ridge from the South, so I went to Clear Creek to check it out.

From just short of Clear Creek the peak looks like this:


Turns out I climbed the ridge on the right, not the steep-looking faces visible from this angle. I picked up the ridge off Angeles Forest Highway, just past Clear Creek, the Josephine fire road junction, and the gully immediately past it. It's steep, but there's a clear use path. Long sleeves and pants recommended, but this is hardly a bushwhack. On top of the first climby section (~4100ft):


On top of the second climby section (~4700ft):


And the view back:


Soon the terrain becomes more interesting:


I did some class-3 stuff. Probably could have found an easier line, but why??? Then I got here:


The route climbs the bump on the right. Above that, everything interesting is past...


... and after a final push I was on top:


Made it up in 1:21. Looking back on the whole ridge:


The views from top are expansive, but it's a really weird angle, and I had a hard time identifying peaks. Figured it out eventually, but yall try! View to the West:


Right to left, some freebies: Strawberry, Baldy, Dawson, Pine. Then... something, something else a lot further out, and something else closer. First to get these right gets... a pat on the back.

Re: The Josephine Express

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:10 pm
by HikeUp
I took a stab at it then went to peakfinder - I did ok.

*spoiler link* ... ine%20peak

Re: The Josephine Express

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:26 am
by tekewin
That is a way more interesting route than the road. Doesn't look too bushwhacky.

Re: The Josephine Express

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:43 am
by headsizeburrito
Nice report! I always wanted to do this from that side before I moved because it looked exciting from PCH. Sounds like it was a little more straightforward than it looks, but glad you got a little class 3 in along the way!

Do you think it would be worth going back and trying some of the other ridges or rocky sections to find a more exciting route, or did they all look pretty similar once you were up there?

Re: The Josephine Express

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:12 pm
by dima
He lives! Truth be told, when I started I was looking at climbing the sheer faces in the first photo, but stuff happened and I ended up staying on the ridge. Those sheer faces are as exciting-looking from the ridge as they are from the bottom, and I'll check them out eventually. The caltopo "shared maps" layer suggests that people have rappeled down those. It may or may not be doable climbing up since the rock quality isn't the best.

Re: The Josephine Express

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:49 pm
by HikeUp
The western ridge has been contemplated and done in the past.

Re: The Josephine Express

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:16 pm
by Girl Hiker
Josephine Peak is always a cool peak to summit. There are a couple of ways to get there but you did the most interesting one. I will have to try that route someday. BTW nice pics.