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Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:51 am
by Girl Hiker
After bagging Lassen Peak, we drove to Kings Creek trailhead. This is a short hike to the falls with other trails to explore. Most of the trail is exposed. Just above the falls is a viewing area with a bench. However three of us crazies wanted to get up close and personal, so we scrambled down a steep ridge where the trail ends and had to backtrack along the creekbed with lots of rocks to climb over. I slipped on one and injured my knee but I didn't let that stop me from seeing this beautiful waterfall.

View of the canyon below.
After admiring the falls, we saw another couple scrambling down some rocks from the vista area above that we didn't notice earlier. So we ascended those rocks back to the main trail. It was a bit slippery and a potentially dangerous fall, if you slip and hit your head, but it's doable. On the way back to the cars, we hiked a different route making it a loop hike with the steepest steps I have ever climbed. There are warning signs about this trail and it isn't for everyone. However, it is the most gorgeous ascent as you climb lots of steps to the top of the waterfall.

This is only one view of the many steps we had to climb.