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Pallet Mtn 7760'

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:58 pm
by Girl Hiker
I've been wanting to bag this peak for a very long time. I have hiked the surrounding mountains but never had the time to do Pallet Mtn. I took a few friends and the plan was to take the easy route from the Burkhart trailhead to the Burkhart saddle, then go east and scramble up the steep use path to the summit. After a long drive on the ACH we finally arrived at the parking lot.


It started out to be a cool, crisp morning, and we enjoyed the breezes.



After hiking 5 miles we took a break at the saddle and stashed some water before ascending the steep use path.




There were some really pretty green sections.


We had lunch under the shaded trees and spent more than an hour just hanging out and admiring the views.


Summit pose.


There wasn't a register or BM, although I read an old report that a benchmark was at the summit, but I didnt find it.

I brought a new register but forgot to bring a pen, haha! So this is what it would have looked like if I had left it at the peak.


Re: Pallet Mtn 7760'

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:51 pm
by HikeUp
I remember not even being able to tell where the high point was. Was there a cairn or some kind of marker?

Re: Pallet Mtn 7760'

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:30 am
by Girl Hiker
Hikeup, there was a circle of rocks with an old rusted can/container where I am assuming where the register was kept at one time. The summit is long and flat but you can easily spot the high point from a distance. As I always do, I walked all around the summit in search for a BM or register but no such luck. I forgot to take a picture of that old container I found.

Re: Pallet Mtn 7760'

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:48 pm
by HikeUp
From August, 2010. Was this the pile of rocks (or similar)?


Re: Pallet Mtn 7760'

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:40 pm
by Girl Hiker
Hmmm hard to tell it looks similar but all the rocks were in a circle, lying flat and not piled up. My friends were there back in August and found this. I saw the same can.