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West Fork Water and Bears - 08-JUL-2018

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:20 pm
by Tom Kenney
Did a night ride Sat PM / Sun AM, Red Box->Rincon->Shortcut->Hwy 2->Red Box. Observed the following:

1) West Fork is drying up. Descending Rincon between Valley Forge CG and West Fork CG, the first 2 water crossings were a trickle and the 3rd crossing (closer to West Fork CG) was dry. The Shortcut Road crossing was also dry.

2) I realize now that West Fork is a 'teddybear picnic'. I've encountered bears (either seeing or hearing) on about 50% of my outings there this year. Sun AM I heard a bear in a side canyon after starting the Shurtcut climb north from the river. S/he was 'wrowr'ing at me, though didn't sound angry/distressed...just a generic 'wrowr'.

3) Another person on bicycle was descending Rincon westward from Newcomb Pass at about 2:00 AM Sun. If that was one of our regulars on here...HOWDY!

Re: West Fork Water and Bears - 08-JUL-2018

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:27 pm
by dima
You go riding up there at night? There wasn't even a moon this weekend! Could you even see anything outside your light beam?

Re: West Fork Water and Bears - 08-JUL-2018

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:27 pm
by Tom Kenney
Got surprisingly good night vision. Also, city light + high clouds makes for decent ambient light. And I'd rather be climbing Shortcut at 80*F than at 105*F.