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Falling Rock->Sugarloaf-> Ontario

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:15 am
by Pat
First hike since January. Kicked my ass.
Instead of taking the talus field up to the saddle, we left Falling Rock at this chute

the upper part of which has absolutely zero solid rock. It all breaks loose.
Other than that, same-same.

Re: Falling Rock->Sugarloaf-> Ontario

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:27 am
by Sean
So, where is Same-Same Chute in relation to the scree slope? That's a rough hike to do after a long break.

Re: Falling Rock->Sugarloaf-> Ontario

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 1:54 pm
by Pat
Entrance to chute 0442121E 3789249N
Facing chute, branch on hikers left
I think we were supposed to veer right where another drainage comes in around 6400' at what looks like a dryfall. That would have avoided the crap from 6600' up. The rockfall was crazy. Basketball size stuff bouncing off the walls.
Reading your trip reports, probably no big deal for you.