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Calabasas Peak in the rain!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:58 am
by Girl Hiker
Last Wednesday I hiked in the pouring rain with my group of crazies that I usually hike with during the week. We didn't let a little rain stop us from hiking & having a great time. So, we decided to hike on a fire road to Calabasas Peak. It was my first time there so I was very excited with the anticipation of finding some benchmarks.
We started at a residential neighborhood and made this a shuttle hike, exiting from Stunt Road.
The views were beautiful. We were surrounded with lots of low clouds, fog and lush green grass.

Luckily for us, it wasn't raining yet. We crossed the Summit to Summit drive and ascended the Calabasas Peak trail.
Calabasas Peak in the distance.
As expected it started to rain on us and it was coming down pretty hard as we summited the Peak, but I didn't let that stop me from taking my summit pose. I also found 3 benchmarks and a register to sign.

One of 3 BM's
After hurrying down the opposite way we continued on a muddy fireroad and headed towards Red Rock Canyon to check out some cool caves.
The rain didn't stop but we were having so much fun!
After playining in the caves we headed back to our cars, exiting from Stunt Road, sopping wet with muddy shoes.
Total Stats 8 miles about 1500' elevation gain.

Re: Calabasas Peak in the rain!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:03 am
by Girl Hiker
More pics of Red Rock Canyon
