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Sunset Peak - backup plan

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:44 pm
by JeffH
With a three-day weekend available I wanted to get out and hike Baldy, preferably before any wet stuff fell again. Saturday I set out to do that, also thinking it would be great to catch the sunset from there too. Unfortunately, just before reaching the village I realized that I left my long sleeve shirt and puffy jacket on the couch at home. Dang. I quickly calculated that in the mid-30’s temperatures plus wind up there I would not be happy so I just went over on Glendora Ridge Road to Cow Canyon.
It still turned out to be a good day, I chatted up some other guy on the ridge route while waiting for his kids to catch up and had the summit to myself for a while too. Since I had the time I walked around and found the summit marker (thanks Cecelia).
I walked down the road and of course saw a few more people there but didn’t have any conversations. Wearing my headphones might have contributed to that...

Sunny out, another great day in the local mountains.

Took a Snickers break on that rock before tackling the last part of the ridge.

Summit area.

Summit benchmark!

Closer view, circa 1953. Seems it should be older.

On the way down the road it looks like springtime.

Now it’s mine.

Re: Sunset Peak - backup plan

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:04 pm
by Sean
Looks like some quality salve. What music were you listening to on the trail?

Re: Sunset Peak - backup plan

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:18 am
by JeffH
Actually Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast.

Re: Sunset Peak - backup plan

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:35 am
by headsizeburrito
Good stuff, the new one is still on my list to listen to, but I need to find a long stretch where I can focus on it. Maybe a long boring climb, last couple times out I've needed to actually pay attention to where I'm going!

Re: Sunset Peak - backup plan

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:30 pm
by JeffH
I usually listen to them on the longer drives to eastern Sierra destinations. But I haven’t been there in a while.
I very very seldom wear headphones while hiking. I think only this road and the one from the notch to Manker.