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Potato Christmas

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:12 pm
by JeffH
I managed to get out for a couple hours this morning, tackling the mighty hill at the base of Baldy Road. I did it the hard way, going up what I used to call the secret route. Now it's quite easily found and even maintained to some degree, with prickly stuff cut back and an obvious path to follow. I had a few minutes to myself on top, but when another guy walked up and asked if I wanted to join his group for a whisky I gladly accepted. Of course, at the time I wasn't thinking that 9:30 is a bit early for me to be drinking.... However, we all toasted each other for managing to escape outside for a little while and that made it a pretty good day.

Part of the not-so-secret trail.

The route ahead, which at one time was a fire break.

Most of the way up, summit on the left. I was sweating profusely by now.

Summit water tank.

There are always potatoes up there. Nice view of Baldy behind.

Although I took the fire road down, this is a view of the harder route up.

Four cars in the parking area when I arrived, 22 when I left.

Re: Potato Christmas

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:07 am
by Sean
Yeah, not so secret, but it is the fun way.