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Mt Lukens #1061 & Half Marathon

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:50 am
by mattmaxon
I'm not burning up the road but got there and back ... 1479080219

The remains of an atomic wedgie gone horribly wrong was on the road going up. It is always interesting to speculate how these things come to be "Only in the Angeles"


Re: Mt Lukens #1061 & Half Marathon

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:22 pm
by Ellen
Howdy Matt :)

The last time we hiked to West San Bernardino peak we found a white and red jock strap as we descended from the summit.

For Cucamonga Man Sean -- I didn't pick it up, although it would have been a humorous addition to "I've found it and now it's MINE"

Miles of smiles,