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Wrightwood zip lines shutdown

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:51 pm
by AW~
Thanks to source,
"Cal/OSHA has cited Big Pines Ziplines $85,000 for serious and willful safety violations uncovered following an unreported rider accident that resulted in a major injury....Cal/OSHA cited Big Pines Ziplines for four safety violations. These include one willful-serious and three that were willful-regulatory in nature. The willful-serious violation was for failing to have proper emergency brakes. Proper brakes stop riders from hitting the zip line cable, swinging violently, and slamming into padding at the end of a zip line at high speeds and suffering serious injury or even death. The willful-regulatory violations were for operating without a valid permit of compliance, failing to report a serious injury, and for reopeningto the public without correcting safety violations noted in an Order Prohibiting Operation."

No word on how this could affect MtBaldy zip lines or potentially Bridge to Nowhere 'amusmement' lines.

Re: Wrightwood zip lines shutdown

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:27 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Operating whilst under a court order to shut down? Big time screw up.


Re: Wrightwood zip lines shutdown

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:19 pm
by atomicoyote
Hikin_Jim wrote: Operating whilst under a court order to shut down? Big time screw up.

I used to make a good living dealing with business owners who had no regard for safety or environmental compliance regulations. This probably was not a court order, but an administrative order to fix something. Most regulatory agencies have a multi-step citation process they use to gain compliance. Its usually something like a no-cost 'fix-it' ticket, a no cost violation letter(s), then an 'administrative order' with fines. If compliance can't be gained and they have to go to court, the regulatory agency can show the judge they worked with the 'perp' to try and resolve the problem before coming to court, which makes it easier for the judge to issue a court-sanctioned compliance order or fine/jail the offender. Cal-OSHA is a little different in that they tend to go directly to admin fines since they have only a small staff (maybe a dozen inspectors in all of SoCal) and want to get things back in compliance faster. And since these were 'Willful' (intentional disregard or negligence for safety concerns) the fines were probably easy for Cal-OSHA to justify.

Re: Wrightwood zip lines shutdown

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:03 pm
by RichardK
put workers in danger by compelling them to test unapproved safety features
Wow! If you worked for that outfit, you were cannon fodder.

Re: Wrightwood zip lines shutdown

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:52 pm
by mrnizegy
Interesting. I went on 3 zip tours back when it was Navitat. Had great experiences, great customer service and great guides. All zip lines had a form of a braking system. I wonder if requirements changed and Big Pines was slow to update. Even when riders were coming in hot, the guides were able to slow them down. Navitat still operates in SC and TN. I wonder what changed here.

From Big Pines FB:

"Just to clarify any confusion, new land owners closed the zipline to retrofit the lines with a new braking system. Due to a complete staffing layoff, the offices are closed and no reservations are available until we reopen. We are sorry for the disappointment, it is completely out of the hands of staff."

Apparently they "closed" after being forced to.