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Mt. Burnham via Lodgepole Picnic Area (HPS Route #3)

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:54 pm
by missy
Anyone taken Lodgepole Picnic area to Mt. Burnham? its a pretty sweet route that wastes no time heading up to the peak.


You would never know the trail starts here unless you read about it.

Route to Mt. Burnham by Missy, on Flickr

Shaded pines enroute to Mt. Burnham by Missy, on Flickr

Looking back towards Mt. Burnham by Missy, on Flickr

But....I also find it hard to peakbag in the Middle High country more than once so there was definitely a reason I came here :)

Untitled by Missy, on Flickr

A glider from the 70s! The pilot crashed while trying to recross the ridge on his sailplane and hit some trees on the downslope. He did not survive unfortunately :(

Untitled by Missy, on Flickr

Its a glider called Schempp-Hirth Cirrus (Registration #N6664)

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