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Peak 2589 (Macho Taco) via Burrito Peak

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:19 am
by Sean
Willie and I scrambled up to Burrito Peak (and beyond) on Thursday evening. Not from the Hoot Owl Flats side, but from the Rincon Station side.

Watch the video.

There is a small parking lot on the right side of the road before you get to the Cogswell entrance gate. From here we followed the steep use path down to the river, crossed to the other bank, went downstream a little, and then struggled up the scree slope to the saddle below the rockface.

The climbing was fun. We took a class 3/4 route to Burrito. Then we dropped down the other side and bushwhacked over to Point 2589, which I'm calling Macho Taco.

We built a mini-cairn on the summit and returned to Burrito. From Burrito we descended the south ridge, where the Rincon Station boys have built a nice fireman's trail, complete with a couple benches at the halfway point.

Rather than following the trail right up into the station, we cut over to the OHV area and crossed through knee-deep river water to get back to the highway.


Re: Peak 2589 (Macho Taco) via Burrito Peak

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:00 am
by tekewin
That is one spicy climb to Burrito. Reminds me of some your old school videos. Sweet! Love the music, too. Now I'm hungry.

Re: Peak 2589 (Macho Taco) via Burrito Peak

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:01 am
by JerryN
nice video, nice 3rd class rock