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PCT Mile 347 to 369 May 11

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 7:12 am
by JerryN
This is one of the dry sections of the PCT. We did a car shuttle with James starting at 369 and hiking down and Alan and I doing the 5,700' ascent to the car. The trail is easy to follow and it makes for a really nice day of hiking. There is a burn area populated by the Poodle to watch out for. You end up hiking out of the chaparral scrub near the I-15 into the pine forest above Wrightwood. We met three women thru hikers close to the end and gave them a ride down into Wrightwood. Though they were a month out on the trail, they looked fresher than we did at the end of the 22 mile hike. Another great day in the San Gabriel's
