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2 - 3 Day Backpacking Recommendation

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:09 pm
by sambieni
Any 2 and 3 day trail recommendations for overnights? Not looking for snow. Trip sometime around end of March. If high country, no >10 miles/day. And again, no snow/crampon/crampons/picks. Need to test my body and my new gear. After few years off (having kids, lost appetite for a while), finally getting back into the swing for backpacking. I am a bit new to backcountry in the area, just used to front country stuff around LA Basin. I am planning a week in SEKI and Yosemite High Sierras sometime late summer so need want to start unwinding the legs b/w now and then.

Is PCT/Little Jimmy snow free now? Likely snow free end of March?
I am looking also at Catalina Island.

Any good recommendations w/in 3-4 hours of Los Angeles would suffice.


Re: 2 - 3 Day Backpacking Recommendation

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:53 pm
by Sean
sambieni wrote: Is PCT/Little Jimmy snow free now? Likely snow free end of March?
My magic 8-ball tells me, "Probably not." Little Jimmy is at 7500' elevation on the shady (north) side of the Crest. If we get a spring storm in the next few weeks, snow and ice will linger up there for awhile.

My suggestion is to park at Red Box and hike to Chantry Flat and back. Lots of water, trees, trail options, and campgrounds.

Re: 2 - 3 Day Backpacking Recommendation

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:22 pm
by Uncle Rico
Gene Marshall Trail in the Los Padres. ... ional.html