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Lake Hughes road 2/15/16

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:49 pm
by AW~

Is this enough evidence to support its inclusion into the monument?:wink:
I didnt take a picture of a lot of black tubing in case that helps.

Actually it wasnt too recovery is slow though....

Castaic lake was nice and shimmering with green hills. I went on 2 hikes, the first was a Narrows near the bottom of my narrows to do list, and the other was a wider Narrows about 1/2 mile long off the road that I didnt know about. That second hike doesnt have a decent approach or exit though its graffiti and trash free unlike the first one.

Rigging in these parts: heres what you are looking at...the strand going left is the main anchor, and the strand going right is a third backup anchor that was wrapped heavily around a brush. The purple light is because it was low-light conditions for a no flash cell-phone pic.

Photo of the top of the main anchor....which then is secondarily backed up further by a strand going right and uphill. Lets ignore the red accessory cord that is a 10ft handline on 80 degree rock down to the anchor point where it meets the 2nd backup.

In case someone needs to fix the secondary anchor they just need to get to it...5.12 style.