youtube:bear cub interaction w/ mountain bikers - June 2015
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:10 pm
San Gabriel Mountains & Beyond
Idk...but if I had guesses I would use #1 for the West Fork San Gabriel River...maybe just past Glen Campground ,about 6 miles in.dima wrote: Whoa! Where is that?
A die hard chupacabra believer...there are some videos of a 'bigfoot' in the Angeles forest ? ...the alphabet soup agencies must be hiding them in the experimental forest , because flushing them out has not been done yet. Or one of those Glendora canyons no one wants to go near.HikeUp wrote: That little bear is so skinny it looks like a chupacabra.
No, it is not protocol to report bear sightings. Although, I would be tempted to let someone know of a solo bear cub hanging around a road.captpeeve wrote:Very sad how the drought has impacted everything. Btw, is it protocol to report sightings? Just curious.Mike P wrote: Breaks my heart...