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La Jolla Valley Trail Camp: Pt. Mugu State Park

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:35 pm
by Uncle Rico
Recently did a quick overnight to the La Jolla Valley walk-in campsites in Pt. Mugu State Park. As far as I know, La Jolla Valley is 1 of only 2 trail camps in the Santa Monica Mountains where you can legally camp (the other one being Musch Trail Camp in Topanga State Park). A really nice option for a local and easy overnighter. ... -camp.html

Re: La Jolla Valley Trail Camp: Pt. Mugu State Park

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:16 pm
by David R
Nice I recently did a loop from the Chumash Trail where I hiked the ridge around La Jolla Valley. I hiked as close as you could get to the summit of Laguna Peak which has the Naval installation on it and then followed a fire road over to La Jolla Peak that has another installation for airplane radar. From there I went over one more peaklet and then descended a ridge into the valley itself and looped back to the TH, a nice jaunt without a human in sight for the ridge and valley portions.

Re: La Jolla Valley Trail Camp: Pt. Mugu State Park

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:00 pm
by Uncle Rico
Oh I see what you did David. Very cool loop. Is that fire road between Laguna and La Jolla Peaks open to the adventuring public or does one have to poach it?

Re: La Jolla Valley Trail Camp: Pt. Mugu State Park

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:14 pm
by AW~
Moogoo! :D :D ...ok in california speak its pronounced Mah Goo...or the OG speak Moo Woo(Chumash for beach).

I like how you give the proper names to your travels here though....all my thoughts are contrived routes with obscure directions.

Re: La Jolla Valley Trail Camp: Pt. Mugu State Park

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:13 pm
by Uncle Rico
I like how you give the proper names to your travels here though....all my thoughts are contrived routes with obscure directions.
That's because my tame travels already have proper names. I don't do manly adventures like you, and Sean, and teke, and taco, and kicks, and hillbasher, and Ze, and dima, and HJ, and David R, and turtle, and missy, and CM (the "manly" moniker, when applied to adventure, appropriately applies to both of these ladies), and MadMax, and Rambo, and Elwood. You guys/gals have to come up with names for your adventures cause that shit you do isn't named yet. :shock:

Re: La Jolla Valley Trail Camp: Pt. Mugu State Park

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:57 pm
by David R
There were no signs ignored or seen during the hike. You are outside the park but there was no evidence of anyone being concerned with hikers in that area. The installation on top of La Jolla had an odd wood fence around it that did not prevent anyone from accessing it. To get back into the park I did have to get underneath a pain in the ass barbed wire fence that partially ripped my shirt.