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Sunset Peak for New Year

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:41 am
by JeffH
Had to be back in the afternoon so once again a shorter walk was in order. I was expecting things to be much colder since the wind down here made everything rather frigid, plus I had frost on the Ranger in the morning.
Anyway, I ignored the road closed sign and parked across from Cow Canyon Saddle and went up the ridge trail. Hung out at the summit chatting with a few folks. Very nice woman who said hiking the San Gabes was part of her therapy, just finished chemo treatments in November. I was inspired to get out more this year.
Someone had been on part of the trail within the last couple of days since I was following footprints most of the way in the solid inch of snow coverage. Since it was all in the sun I was actually warm there. Going down I took the road, which was actually cold in the shady parts. Saw a few more folks on that section, probably got tired of the traffic jam going to Icehouse and Manker.

Some pics below.

Perhaps the pile of melting snow was a decoy to get people to pay attention to the sign.

Trail up. I was able to do this in my trail runners.

Here we are in the deep stuff.

Not because I had to but because I can. Made up some oatmeal and hot chocolate for warming snack.

Baldy in the background. You're right Taco, might have to plan an alternate winter gathering.

Noticeably colder in the shade. I saw some drifts of nearly six inches.

Still another great day in the local mountains.

Re: Sunset Peak for New Year

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:06 pm
by Taco
Sunset Peak is a great place to be during the sunset, especially in winter when the sunset reflects off the snow on the peaks surrounding it. Really beautiful colors that change as the moments pass, and the sun filters through the thick trash air of Los Angeles.

Re: Sunset Peak for New Year

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:33 pm
by tekewin
Nice pictures. Hikin Jim may get you for copyright infringement for any unauthorized stove photos. :)

The bowl is looking low on snow. No storms on the horizon, but I'm hoping the snow up top lasts through next weekend.