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Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:53 pm
by Sean
Taco wanted to get outdoors, so we drove to Manker Flats with the notion of assaulting the ridge between Good and San Antonio canyons. We ambled merrily up Good Canyon for quite some time without noticing an acceptable slope-path up to the ridge from that side. So we kept going up Good until we came across a neat-looking gully.


Henceforth this gully shall be known as Gas Attack Gully--for reasons I'd rather not reveal in public.

After deciding that this was the appropriate means of accessing the ridge, Taco and I promptly sat down and ate some food.


He had brought his pantry with him and kept offering me Twix bars. After climbing a bit, we took another break when Taco noticed that his home-made water bottle was leaking.


Some more climbing.


Finally we reached some frozen trees, which was secretly my goal for the day.


But Taco wanted to reach the ridgetop, so that he could flash his gang signs beside a bansai tree.


After reaching the ridge, we realized we had reached it a little higher up than we had expected--which is why this report isn't primarily about the ridge.

It's primarily about how Taco ate a strange-tasting ice donut


and suddenly thought he was hunting enemy soldiers on the summit of Baldy.


Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:51 pm
by tekewin
Kick ass trip. Frozen trees are a worthy goal, but so is hunting enemy soldiers on remote mountain tops. You have to get them before they get you and your precious bodily fluids.

Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:51 pm
by walker
Nice trip. Speaking of frozen trees, has anyone else ever encountered that moment in the morning when you're going up the bowl trail for example and the sun comes over the ridge, things thaw a bit and then suddenly all of the frozen trees start to drop ice grenades on your head, sometimes cascading chunks of big ice blocks all over the place? It's kind of scary. I think Taco's precautions are well taken.

Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:49 am
by missy
hilarious trip report!! :twisted:

Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:45 am
by Ellen
Howdy Sean :)

Absolutely hilarious TR, thanks :lol:

My Good Canyon TR is here: ... 63&p=41355

Howdy Walker :)

We experienced those ice balls of death last Sunday when we hiked up Good Canyon to Baldy. I prefer getting fresh snow dumped on my head when I pass under a tree :roll:

Howdy Teke :)

I see you're a Dr. Stangelove fan :wink:

Ice does offer certain advantages for combatting enemy troops.



Miles of smiles,

Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:27 am
by tekewin
Hey, Ellen. Nice ice dagger.

I'm glad someone caught the Dr. Strangelove reference. I'm only half as weird as I seem. :)

Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:20 pm
by Uncle Rico
tekewin wrote: I'm only half as weird as I seem. :)
And believe me teke, we're all mighty thankful for that. :P

Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:23 pm
by Sean
I got the reference too, Teke. I just didn't want to seem as weird as you.

I dressed up as Dr. Strangelove once.


Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:26 pm
by Sean
Hi Ellen,

Nice report on Good Canyon--and you spelled it like I do! I like the Big Horn picture and the shots of the ice trees.

Re: Baldy via Gas Attack Gully

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:06 pm
by Taco

General Turgidson!