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Wet weather/flash flooding this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:56 pm
by tarol
Per NWS Las Vegas & San Diego a storm will move into the county this weekend and could pose a significant risk to the mountain communities, in particular Mt. Baldy and Forest Falls and other flashflood prone areas. See storm details below. OES will continue to monitor and provide updates.

Weather Threats: Flash Flooding & Thunderstorms (Heavy Rain)
Timing: Saturday, Sep. 6 through Tuesday, Sep. 9.
• Saturday 9/6 Late night start of thunderstorms
• Sunday 9/7 Thunderstorms all day
• Monday 9/8 Thunderstorms and some generalized precipitation
• Tuesday 9/9 Thunderstorms and generalized precipitation tapering off.
Location: Riverside County Mountains, San Bernardino County Mountains & Foothills, San Bernardino County Deserts and the Colorado River Valley

Storms/System Intensity: moderate to strong (possible areas of impact) 1.5” to 2” per hour. Sunday is mostly thunderstorms with stratoform clouds and precipitation possible late Sunday through Tuesday as a low pressure system moves southward through California.

Impacts: Lightning, heavy rains, possible local flash flooding

Forecaster Confidence: Moderate to High

Event Summary: Tropical Storm (at times Hurricane) Norbert will move northwest off the coast of Baja California through this weekend. This will bring a large increase of moisture over southern California by Sunday. Thunderstorms will be possible beginning early Sunday and could continue through Tuesday. The best chance of thunderstorms will be in the eastern mountains, Colorado River Valley, eastern deserts and possibly foothills. Heavy rain will be possible with some thunderstorms, especially in the mountains and deserts, and local flash flooding will be possible.

SOURCE: National Weather Service – Las Vegas Forecast Office

Re: Wet weather/flash flooding this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:54 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Yipes. They just got hit hard a few weeks ago too.

Thanks for the heads up.


Re: Wet weather/flash flooding this weekend

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:32 pm
by outwhere
I know this system is not out of our area yet but it seems like whenever the news sorta goes easy on the forecast, the storms end up going extra wild on us, like they did in Baldy Village the other month.

So this time around, a few stations were saying this weekend's storm would really be one to watch out for. So far it seems rather calm, no??

Are these thunderstorms somewhat more unpredictable than other types of storms?

Or, despite all our advanced technology, are storms/weather always just too tough to call, no matter the development of radar etc etc... ?

Re: Wet weather/flash flooding this weekend

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:05 pm
by Tom Kenney

I was watching the radar today (couch-bound for various reasons), and it looked like Big Bear got hammered, but San Gabes got nothing.

Re: Wet weather/flash flooding this weekend

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:12 am
by outwhere
Tom Kenney wrote: @outwhere:

I was watching the radar today (couch-bound for various reasons), and it looked like Big Bear got hammered, but San Gabes got nothing.
as usual, looks like I spoke too soon. I just saw the rain results from the inland empire. :shock:

I thought since the rain was supposed to hit heavy on Saturday, I'd see more news coverage by Sunday - like we saw with the July downpour.