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Meysan Lake

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:12 pm
by RichardK
We hiked Meysan Lake on Labor Day. Two shout outs are in order.

First, a thank you to Sean for his beta on the final cross-country section to the lake posted here. It was extremely helpful.

Second, a thank you to Doug Thompson of the Portal Store for his information about water at Grass and Camp Lakes. Doug figured that the spring rains filled those lakes. He was correct.

No visit to the store is complete without seeing the waterfall.


The trail gains altitude quickly offering superb views to the Owens Valley and Inyo Mountains.



Meysan's outlet creek plunges down a steep section of the canyon.


The western side of the canyon wall offered nice scenery, too.



Camp Lake is a pretty sight.


Approaching the end of the maintained trail. Meysan Lake lies in a bowl behind the hill in the center.


We made our way up the gully on the right side of the hill.


Once you are past the peak of the hill, boulder scramble up the slope and there is Meysan Lake. As one guidebook said, "harsh, but beautiful."


The sun was setting as we returned to the trailhead.


Happy hikers at Meysan Lake.


Re: Meysan Lake

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:47 am
by anarchist
Very nice, I've kept this one as a backup in case I couldn't get a permit in other areas. Now its more than a.backup. Beautiful area and pictures.

Re: Meysan Lake

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:32 pm
by Tom Kenney
Great shots! Thanks. I've never been there, and was always under the impression that the whole trip was in a very narrow canyon. Your shots put paid to that misconception.

Re: Meysan Lake

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:54 am
by Uncle Rico
Sweet pics Richard. Nice to see water still flowing.

Re: Meysan Lake

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:09 pm
by JeffH
Nice shot of the waterfall at the Portal. Was that from the bridge to the old trail?
What was the total mileage and elevation for this hike? I've seen the TH sign many times while driving to the Portal.

Re: Meysan Lake

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:04 pm
by RichardK
JeffH wrote: Nice shot of the waterfall at the Portal. Was that from the bridge to the old trail?
What was the total mileage and elevation for this hike? I've seen the TH sign many times while driving to the Portal.
The waterfall picture was made just by walking up to edge of the creek and shooting upstream with the zoom out a bit. A neutral density filter was used to increase exposure time to 1/4 second to blur out the water. The Meysan Lake hike is an 11 mile round trip that gains 3500 feet.

Re: Meysan Lake

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:53 pm
by Augie
Nice TR. There's also some nice peaks in the area like Mallory and Irvine. Yes, Meysan is a good back up when you can't get a Whitney (or other) permit.

Re: Meysan Lake

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:38 pm
by Sean
Thanks for the report. I'm glad you found my info helpful. Meysan Lake is a great place. Been there twice now.