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Coyote Weirdly

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:30 am
by cougarmagic
Last night on Dirt Mulholland, I was walking Ripley (1 yo Ridgeback) with Jane and Archie (4 yo terrier mix) around 9:30pm. Jane and I were yammering on about normal nonsense when Ripley whirled around and tried to give chase to a dark shape. (She was on leash and we didn't have lights on, since city and moonlight was so bright).

Lights went on after that, and we noticed eyeshine of a young coyote following about 30 to 50 feet behind us. This continued for over a mile. If we turned around and shined lights on 'yote, she would stop but not retreat. Ripley would bark threateningly, but no reaction from the wild canid. Archie seemed unconcerned. He's older and very trail-wise. Ripley has seen coyotes, deer, and a couple of bears, but has never been approached.

I've done this walk/hike with dogs two or three times a week for the past 12 years and never had this happen. Any ideas as to cause? Ripley is not spayed, but is not in heat either. We weren't particularly aggressive in trying to scare the coyote off. It wasn't scary. Just weird.

Thought maybe it was trying to get to a food source at the houses, and we were all going in the same direction, or it was separated from its pack/parents and we were in the way. Obviously dogs and hikers are incredibly common there so it had no reason to be afraid of people.

Re: Coyote Weirdly

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:38 pm
by tracker
I hear of this about once a week in many different places. I f I had to guess I would say the coyote was just sizing things up while considering if a meal was available. To him I would say:

Re: Coyote Weirdly

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:15 pm
by mattmaxon
Maybe the coyote heard you where in pictures and wanted to get on camera ;-)

Re: Coyote Weirdly

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:36 pm
by atomicoyote
tracker wrote: I hear of this about once a week in many different places. I f I had to guess I would say the coyote was just sizing things up while considering if a meal was available. To him I would say:
The above (sizing up your 'pack' to see if there are any weaklings) or it was following along to see if your party's activities would startle any small creatures in the brush which it could chase down for a meal. They're known for following bears and other large game, picking off mice/squirrels/rabbits that suddenly run for cover as the game distubes a rock/log/etc they are hiding under.