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Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:57 pm
by sonnylawrence
Please help clean up graffiti and trash from Eaton Canyon. It is a MESS. The Coalition of American Canyoneers (CAC) in conjunction with the Angeles National Forest is having a canyon cleanup event. We will boldly remove trash and graffiti from the lower third of the technical canyon to the Pinecrest Bridge! The event will be held on Saturday, August 23, 2014. We need at least 25 people to assist. More participants would be merrier. There are various tasks to be performed, just to name a few: rigging ropes, hauling sand/mud, operating communications, scene safety, hauling water, chipping and scraping paint, raising gear above waterfalls. Come have fun, get dirty, play with all the gear and toys and make a difference. Enjoy the company of others who feel the same way you do. CAC will buy the pizza at a get together afterward.
Please email your intent to attend at or call Sonny Lawrence at 909 DOT 255 DOT 6036. If you are unable to attend, please donate money to the cause. And of course while you are at it, please join CAC. It’s free.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:38 am
by HikeUp
Occurs to me (mostly tongue in cheek), but with the pending closure of the canyon (i.e. no additional graffiti, litter or bodies supposedly) why bother to clean it, just wait for the next big rain to flush it out (yes, that might take a couple of years). The bears and deer don't care.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:32 am
by Hikin_Jim
Hi, Sonny,

Nice to see you here on the SGMDF.

This is a good move all around. First, if a group can be shown to be responsible and contributing to the good of the ANF, that can only help that group's credibility -- and credibility is much needed to counteract the knee-jerk "total closure" mentality that seems to be the norm these days. Second, it'll clean up the canyon, HikeUp's cynicism not withstanding. ;) Third, it will hopefully be fun.

QUESTION: For us not technical canyoneering types (alas, I am just a klutzy hiker), are there ways we can pitch in?


Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:41 am
by HikeUp
What he said. :wink:

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:16 pm
by cougarmagic
This is a key moment that I hope all will recognize. If we can get a big, helpful turnout for this, it will help not only canyoneers, but everyone who wants access to public land and whose rights to that are threatened by abuse and neglect.

It's easy to criticize the FS for whatever. But keep in mind they have little money, few rangers, they mostly are scraping motorcycles off ACH, and anything volunteers can do to help...well, will HELP.

My position so far may have been confusing. I believe if there is no effort to clean the canyon and encourage safe passage, that the canyon should be closed. However, if people turn out to support their access to these beautiful places which need protection, then we're good.

Prove me an old curmudgeon, people. Your favorite place is likely next.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:34 pm
by Hikin_Jim
cougarmagic wrote: Your favorite place is likely next.
They're going to issue a closure order on my refrigerator? ;)


Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:05 pm
by cougarmagic
Hikin_Jim wrote: They're going to issue a closure order on my refrigerator? ;)

Well, you keep leaving food wrappers in there.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:56 pm
by Hikin_Jim
:lol: :lol:


Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:12 pm
by Hikin_Jim
It's my birthday, and I can pick up trash if I want to. :lol:

I just sent an email to Sonny. I'm in.


Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:08 am
by tracker
cougarmagic wrote:
Your favorite place is likely next.
No bout adoubt it. Gates and signs are a relatively cheap way for cash-strapped government agencies to get control of a festering problem. They think "No people, no problem". I was just chewed on Saturday AM (but not cited) for not having a fire permit for my stove, and looking like I was going to have a campfire that evening.
I was mountain-biking in Jawbone Canyon :?: No guns, no motorized toys, no alcohol - and I still had to hear the BLM Ranger say how he couldn't wait until the area was closed to everyone. :shock:

Volunteering to help clean up a problem is a good way to show agencies that we exist; since we otherwise leave no trace. This is our land, not "theirs".

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:33 am
by AW~
cougarmagic wrote: This is a key moment that I hope all will recognize. If we can get a big, helpful turnout for this, it will help not only canyoneers, but everyone who wants access to public land and whose rights to that are threatened by abuse and neglect.
LOL....there is now no legal parking on Big Tujunga road, AFH, and Upper Big Tujunga road.


Guess we need to schedule a lot of cleanups :roll:
There are just some people who dont understand what is happening.
The next sign in the distance lets you know that fines are doubled in the "construction" {cough,cough} zone. So go on your Great Falls of the Fox or Fall Creek route and your car should be gone. A big thank you to Antonovich, Chu, and the SG Mtns forevever, long live mighty Obama.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:17 am
by Hikin_Jim
That's crazy. The whole of Big T off limits?


Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:51 am
by AW~
Hikin_Jim wrote: That's crazy. The whole of Big T off limits?

To parking yes...any LA county road. The area is not off limits of course, so you could still go to Trail Canyon, Stoneyvalle Picnic area, etc.

There were 5 cars parked near Fusier canyon for the Fox Peak hike....which in addition to this sign some miles back, there are several no stopping signs.
Its basically a lax enforcement, only suckers obey the sign, but take your chances deal.

I can tell you the canyoneering leadership is way behind the times. In fact, the dept of agriculture just opened the comments for the new forest mgmt plan. Now the new forest mgmt plan is subject to the new rules. Namely, that recreation, which was previously a primary forest objective, is no longer one. The only primary objective is conservation, up to and including species of concern. The new rules, passed along time ago when Obama first took office, but now bequeathed to us, are being decided right now in 4 key areas, and access will be cut.

A strict reading would say that at least anywhere the bighorn sheep, the frog, and the fish are will be off-limits. Its going to get interesting.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:59 am
by Taco
I'm a wild animal so it's okay. I'm free to roam and poop above ground.

I'm going to this here Eaton cleanup. Looking forward to seeing you guys out there too. 8)

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:45 pm
by Uncle Rico
AW wrote: Image
I'm interpreting that signage to mean anything 10+ yards from the roadway is fair game unless specifically posted otherwise.

Take yer tape measures and cameras.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:08 pm
by AW~
I looked up Youtube videos and a no parking sign has been at AFH&Big T for at least a few it could be that they werent taken down after the area reopened. I had been by there previously, but admit I might not have paid attention since if you miss the sign you would never know.

Id say it was an overreaction on my part, but the signs are still there and i dont know.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:33 pm
by Augie
See ya'll at the cleanup.

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:48 pm
by tracker
I have a 1960 ANF Visitor's Guide that would make most of us cry...
or crap...
or go postal. :x

Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:03 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Augie wrote: See ya'll at the cleanup.
Cool. Sounds like it'll be a real shin dig. Looking forward to meeting a few of you in the flesh for the first time.


Re: Eaton Canyon Cleanup

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:32 pm
by fortified
There is a common thread that runs through all of these "decisions".
It is something half the country laughs when they hear it. The other half never heard of it. Yet has been in the making for over twenty years.
This is the state of California website.

Every time they say they are taking land, or closing an area, it is for one goal. Move people off most of the rural land, and into dense cities.
First look at the gov. site above. Then look at the documents signed over the years. THIS IS HAPPENNING.
Some people are waking up now, and some cities, as well as one state has outlawed agenda 21.
The actual document signed by something like 172 countries ... enda21.pdf
a quick five minute brief.

What can we do?