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Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:21 pm
by 135driver
Wether it is route study or Peak Pics, I can provide the means to photograph anything you wish from the air.

If any one is interested, I have access to the Beechcraft T-34A/B Mentor. This is an older trainer used by the military for flight training. I have been flying this aircraft for the past few years. You would sit in the back of the aircraft, and be able to open the canopy in flight as you wish to take photos.


If you are willing to share the cost of the aircraft with me (probably anywhere from $70-$100 per/hour of flight time, I will give you a flight that you won't soon forget and we will concentrate on taking pics of your favorite peaks.

Legally, I cannot charge you the full price of the flight because that is against Air Force Regulation.

I am a experienced AirForce Pilot with over 2,000 hrs of flight time to include aircraft such as the Boeing KC-135R, Predator, Raytheon T-1, Cessna T-37 and various models of light Cessnas, and the T-34.

Let me know if you are interested and we will talk further about the details.

Here is a link to a picture taken by my friend Jack in the back of a T-34A model in formation.


Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:30 pm
by Taco
DOOD, I would kill for that. I've got less money than the Mexican Lottery Commission at the moment. :cry: I'd kill to do that, though, just take a cruise over the area and get some general shots and videos.

I have $50 right now, total. :cry:

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:32 pm
Where does he take off from? like how long would it take to buzz all the major peaks around so cal? x$=$$$$$

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:53 pm
by 135driver
I take off From March ARB in Riverside. I can pretty much pick you up at the closest airfield to your home. The best bet is to meet me at Cable Airport in Upland since that is the portal to the Gabriels.

The aircraft cruises at about 150 knots so a grand tour wouldn't take too long. It's up to you how long you want to fly.

Email me @ and I'll give you more information as you require it.

These Flight will probably be available after mid July due to the fact the Airplanes are getting new engines/wing inspection in Texas right now.

Let me know.


Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:50 pm
imagine the site photos you could collect and choose from after circling every ding dang dong peak out there. no way am I going up in a plane but I would be willing to contribute a my fair % of $ toward Taco going up. :D

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:30 pm
by Taco
I wish I could ever afford it, Kelly. I've never flown in a Mentor before, just an old Bonanza and a Mooney or something. An A37 would be incredibly sweet low-level in the SG's, I assume? 8)

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:41 pm
Come on Kelly! Take Taco up for free. Or at least a low cost flight. He ain't got no money. I got an idea Taco! I bet simonov would do it. Take movies too! Maybe you both could go?

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:13 pm
by Taco
Not to volunTOLD Simonov or anything, but he's got mad loot, so I believe. :wink:

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:18 pm
AND I bet he would do it!

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:27 pm
by 135driver
All right, you Got It.

Taco's got a free ticket as soon as the airplanes are out of Maint. Pho Real Do, the offer still stands, I'm just looking to fly, buzz some peaks, and maybe share the cost with someone.

I do need some winter gear though, if anyone has some old crampons, or mountaineering pants etc., I could be pursuaded to fly them for free in exchange for some gear. Keep that in mind.

Taco, You're on!!! I'll let you know when the airplanes are ready, probably sometime in mid July.


Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:35 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Dang, that would be a kick in the seat. I assume a barf bag is included in the price of admission?

Taco, if you get a free ticket, the least you could do is post a few pics herein!

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:53 pm
Hikin_Jim wrote:Dang, that would be a kick in the seat. I assume a barf bag is included in the price of admission?

Taco, if you get a free ticket, the least you could do is post a few pics herein!
DUH!!! What do you think he was gonna do? keep em to himself? :shock:


TACOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! HIGH FIVE DUDE!!!!! I already promised $10 bucks so anyone else that wants to chip in would be cool.
Trip out TACO!!!!!

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:43 pm
by Taco
I don't know if I have anyhting you want, but I do have spare crampons, ice tools, an extra axe, some other gear. I'll have more by winter, hopefully, as I plan on replacing some stuff.

Seriously? Free? Dude... you don't hafta do that.

Fuggin thanks dude! Dayum!

*high five*

I'll do my best to make up for it any other way.

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:59 pm
by 135driver
It's all good. I absolutely love flying, and I can't wait for this adventure!!

Taco, just think of what peak you want to look at for the flight. Keep in mind the higher ups such as Baldy and Grayback may be tough to climb to in the summer heat. Let's save those for the winter.

NO BARF BAG REQUIRED, I wont pull too many G's with you in the back. I love me some G's but that's just not cool to most people.

P.S Dude--I don't want to take gear that you use on a regular basis, only if you've got an extra pair of something that you could spare. That would be awesome. Don't worry about the cost this time.

You'll be the test case to tell everyone else how fuggin rad this little setup could be for everyone.


Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:09 pm
by Taco
Twin Peaks comes to mind, along with anything else, really. East Fork Narrows would be cool around the 4,000ft level, if that's safe. Pull as many g's as you want.

The closest I can get to a ride for you is a fun "spirited" drive on Glendora Mountain Road.

DISCLAIMER: I'm a safe driver. 8)

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:26 pm
by Hikin_Jim
TacoDelRio wrote:...I'm a safe driver. 8)
Isn't "safe" driver in the same category as "best" rifle? :lol:

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:49 pm
by Taco
I don't hit other people. 8)

That would make for a crappy rifle. :lol:

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:52 pm
by Hikin_Jim
LOL. OK, I'll grant ya that one.

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:00 pm
by 135driver
Twin Peaks would be really cool. The general rule is that I've got to be 2,000 feet above mountainous terrain, and above wildlife preserve areas. There are ways "around" that though.

I think what we can do is take off from Cable, head north up San Antonio Canyon, hang a left and wave at Sunset Peak, down Cow/Cattle Canyon over to Iron, swing around the north side of Baden, fly S.W. along Burnham, Throop and Hawkins, then over to TwinPeaks and back to Cable, probably a good hour flight or so.

Sounds like fun.

Taco, hit me up with your phone number, or I'll give you mine so we can talk about some of the details. Sweet!!


Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:05 pm
by Hikin_Jim
135driver wrote:Twin Peaks would be really cool. The general rule is that I've got to be 2,000 feet above mountainous terrain, and above wildlife preserve areas. There are ways "around" that though.

I think what we can do is take off from Cable, head north up San Antonio Canyon, hang a left and wave at Sunset Peak, down Cow/Cattle Canyon over to Iron, swing around the north side of Baden, fly S.W. along Burnham, Throop and Hawkins, then over to TwinPeaks and back to Cable, probably a good hour flight or so.

Sounds like fun.

Taco, hit me up with your phone number, or I'll give you mine so we can talk about some of the details. Sweet!!

Oh, sure, make me die with envy. That's one heck of a route.

Taco, while you're at it, scout that route up Bighorn Ridge, would ya?

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:07 pm
by HikeUp
Yes...I was going to suggest flying directly up Big Horn Ridge.

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:09 pm
by Rob
T-34s are still flying?
135driver wrote: You would sit in the back of the aircraft, and be able to open the canopy in flight
Good to be able to open the canopy. I remember a couple of small but smokey electrical fires . . .

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:22 pm
by Taco
Hikin_Jim wrote:Taco, while you're at it, scout that route up Bighorn Ridge, would ya?
For this, I'll recce Bighorn Ridge alone, on foot. 8)

135, PM sent!

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:23 pm
by Tim
Yeah, I didn't know the Air Force was still using T-34's. I know several of them are flying in the civilian world. A well known airshow pilot, Julie Clark, flies a T-34 in her act.

That's really cool of you to take Taco up for a ride.

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:28 pm
by 135driver

Our T-34's have been going under some major maint. Wing Spar rebuilds, new engines. Electrical (ha,ha) rewiring.

There are a lot of restrictions with these airplanes nowadays. They are perfectly safe but they've undergone a lot of scrutiny from the FAA because a couple (three, to be exact) dumb arse pilots decided to go out and rip the wings off of 'em. Because of that, the FAA demanded a wing spar rebuild. Well, there's only one guy that can do it, and he's in texas, so the waiting list for our planes to come back has been long and painful. But the time has finally come that we are getting them back next month. The pilots that crashed were pulling 6-7 asymmetric G's (rolling and pulling G's at the same time causes wings to twist in an unnatural way) Not smart in any airplane really. (unless it's specificall built for that)

Did you, or do you fly them?


Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:42 pm

I like the music better than the planes.

Don't be fallin out the bomb bay door thing Taco. :shock:

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:49 pm
by Rob
135driver wrote:Did you, or do you fly them?
In 1970s I enjoyed being a passenger on a few T-34 orientation flights over Padre Island, Texas.

Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:58 pm
by 135driver
Tim wrote:Yeah, I didn't know the Air Force was still using T-34's. I know several of them are flying in the civilian world. A well known airshow pilot, Julie Clark, flies a T-34 in her act.

That's really cool of you to take Taco up for a ride.
The Air Force ownes the airplanes, and only Air Force Pilot's can fly them, but they aren't being "used" by the Air Force.

BTW, Julie clark visits us down at March every once in a while.


Re: Want Aerial Photos of Your Favorite Peaks?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:11 pm
by Tim
I see, thanks for the clarification. That's interesting that they're still in the AF inventory.