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Memorable Baldy

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 8:23 pm
by Ellen
Howdy All :)

Sally and I headed up Register ridge early (5 AM) to beat the heat and holiday crowds. Just above the Harwood Saddle on DBB, we met SAR folks who were hiking down. They were searching for two hikers who had become separated from their group on Sunday.

The peak was very peaceful -- only two guys and their dog Milo. After a relaxing breakfast break, we headed down the Ski Hut trail. The search helicopter was doing a fabulous job searching the area -- it was fascinating to watch them zooming up Good Canyon. They even called out to us to see if we were OK and asked us to keep an eye out for the missing hikers.

We met friends on their way up and passed the word. Also encountered lots of cool dogs, including a patriotic yellow lab wearing an American flag bandana.

When we got back to Manker, we saw some of the SAR team members packing up -- the individuals had been found in San Antonio canyon. Their calls for help were heard by other hikers coming up the Ski Hut trail.

We thanked the SAR folks for their service. They were very philosophical and talked about the typical places they've found folks who've lost the trail. We expressed our gratitude again and said we felt bad about them being called out on a holiday. ... unt-baldy/

Miles of smiles,