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Eaton from Henninger

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 1:48 pm
by longcut
Craig and I finally syncd up and hit Eaton, our first SGM canyoneering excursion. We did a couple beginner slots in Zion recently, Orderville and Keyhole, and this was a good bit juicier than either of those as far as rapelling skills goes. Zion has good sticky rock, Eaton not so much. On a few of my raps, I did some fun flop/swing/smack moves high up that got my juices flowing good and confirmed I can still take a lickin. Typical rookie shit but fun for me anyway.

Effort-wise, pretty easy stuff, over in 6hrs or so, no real tough work to do. But skills wise I gotta work on proper granite-kissing technique and dirt-clod climbing technique. We were actually delayed alot (7hrs total) because I shied away from the last public spectacle rap, and chose the escape ridge instead. Ho! thats a nice walk out, clinging to dirt clods 200' up. We did that ridge with a forest fire crew that was up doing some training rapels. I have a new respect for these folks, kids all of em, but fearless and sturdy.

craig's report is way better than mine, just wanted to share with you good mountain folk....

Re: Eaton from Henninger

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:42 pm
by Taco
Right on senor! Good time to go do it. Wish I had a dirtbike for the approach.

Re: Eaton from Henninger

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 11:30 am
by mangus7175
That wrestler shot was epic...nice! Wish I had the balls to try canyoneering :lol: