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Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:55 pm
by Elwood
I played hooky from the madness at work on Tuesday the eighth, and took a

delightful little hike in the Vincent Gap area. I rolled out of Simi around 0430,

arriving at the Gap just before 0620SHT (standard hiking time). There was a young

couple in the lot gearing up for what looked like an overnight adventure. It was

with great sadness that I had recently retired my trusty Kelty Redwing 2650. It was

a great pack through thousands of miles of year-round hiking. The straps had grown

too stiff, the side pouches were torn and had lost their elasticity. The new Marmot

Verve 42 did well, though it's going to take me some time to adjust to the new


Hiking down the Gulch to the Prairie Fork confluence was uneventful, save

for several new deadfalls, all easily bypassed. Though I had my little saw and

geared pruners with me, I knew that I was in for a long day, so no trail clearing

today. I made the obligatory pass by the glider wreck then crossed back over the

wash to the eastern bench and the Prairie Fork connector trail.

Today's was by far the easiest time I had routefinding to Cabin Flat, though it

required climbing over several clumps of tangled fallen trees. I was actually

surprised to find myself on the old roadbed on the south side of the fork so

quickly. I stopped for a brief rest and snacks at Cabin Flat, and was amused by a

mass of 22 caliber brass and many bullet "scrapes" on the picnic tabletop. I

continued my eastward journey up the dregs of 3N39, past the old guard station site

and took a loop through Lupine. I had seriously considered the Pine / Fish Fork /

Devil's Backbone / Wright Mountain route, but the snow on Pine looked somewhat

dangerous. Instead, I hiked up the road towards Guffy, opting for the eastward

split, and hopped onto the PCT westward. Following another snack at Guffy, I

continued west along Blue Ridge, remaining on the Pacific Crest Trail for the rest

of the day. There was enough snow and ice left in some of the north-facing sections

that I decided to slip on the Yaktrax; these ended up being useful enough to

warrant having carried them.

One of the (many) nice aspects of this hike was my completion of all the PCT

sections on the Angeles. I had never been on the segment between the reservoir and

Vincent Gap. I managed to get a little confused at the trail split through Jackson

Flat, and meandered a little before regaining the PCT. I was a little surprised to

find folks apparently in residence in their RVs in the closed campground. I

descended my final trail of the day, arriving back at the car around 1810.

Definitely better than a day at work

One of several new deadfalls across the Vincent Gulch trail.

Fairly typical trail conditions along Vincent Gulch.

Nice water flow towards Mine Gulch.

GPOG (Gratuitous Picture of Glider).

Big Horn Mine perched up on Baden-Powell's slope.

Not-impassible trail to Cabin Flat.

One of the easier stretches of the Mine Gulch - Cabin Flat trail.

Obscure trailhead on the Cabin Flat end.

View towards Pine Mountain from the bend at Cabin Flat.

View of Mount Baden-Powell from the eastern edge of Cabin Flat.

Site of the Prairie Fork (fire) Guard Station.

Warning notice on the precip gauge at Prairie Fork Guard Station.

Nice spot along 3N39 in Prairie Fork.

Lupine, another of my favorite developed camping spots.

The road not taken (this time).

View back towards Pine Mountain as I begin the slog up to Blue Ridge.

Nice view of the drainage on Pine's north side.

Always love scoping out this area from the Backbone!

Surreal view of Pine Mountain (minus that huge western ridge).

View down the Prairie Fork with Iron peeking over Pine's ridge.

My cozy ARRL field day spot on Guffy.

Water tank near the PCT on Guffy Campground.

Wrightwood, as seen from PCT on Blue Ridge.

Virgin Yaktrax, first sweet taste of snow.

Reason for carrying Yaktrax; snow was quite consolidated and hard.

Mountain High East reservoir.

Pacific Crest Trail / Mountain High crossing.

West Reservoir.

Little repeater shack above Grassy Hollow.

Grassy Hollow (or was this Jackson Flat?).

PCT northeast of Jackson Flat.

Trail ahead continues to Vincent Gap.

Sylvan spot between Jackson Flat and the gap.

View of Mount Baden-Powell across ACH from the Crest Trail.

Blue Ridge, Pine and Baldy.

Back to "civilization".

GPS track and profile plot.

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:07 pm
by Sean
Beautiful pictures! Did you happen to check the Flume Canyon spring below Guffy Camp?

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:08 pm
by rck
Ahh thanks for the TR and the idea of doing FD up there. Want to try it, just thinking which QRP rig to take.


Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:28 pm
by Elwood
I'm embarrassed to say that I've never seen the Flume Canyon spring, nor knew of its existence. I've been camping up there for years though.

FT-817 of course. I've only ever worked QRP on Blue Ridge with a G5RV hauled high into the trees.

73 de KI6TPX (fellow DARN member)

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:07 pm
by Mike P
Nice trip and pics, Mr. El!

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:19 am
by Uncle Rico
Cool loop Elwood. Great pics. I've thought about that same trip, but as an overnight. Have my wife drop me at Vincent Gap and then drive out to Guffy to secure a spot. Meet up with her there later that afternoon, spend the night, and then trek back to Vincent Gap the next morning. The only part that looks like it might be a little tedious is that stretch from Lupine to Guffy.

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:38 pm
by cougarmagic
One of the last great sections of relatively untouched wilderness in the SGs. Well done. Some say Prairie Fork is too rough - I say it's just right.

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:47 am
by Taco
Prairie Fork sucks at night after descending Fish Fork. :lol:

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:40 am
by lilbitmo
Nice to see Elwood out and putting up TR's again.

We were not that far from you at one point during your adventure, you were staying dry, we were getting soaked south of you.

Great pictures and TR.

Hope to see you on the trail again soon :)

Re: Vincent Gap - Prairie Fork - Blue Ridge Loop

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:16 pm
by Hayduke
great TR and photos of another Elwood day trip that i'd have to do as an overnight!