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PV Ridge

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:40 am
by Uncle Rico
Finally made it out to PV Ridge on Saturday. Started at the PCT on the southwest side of Williamson and spit out a Buckhorn. Encountered no snow of any significance. Thanks to Sean and Ze's previous posts, I had no navigational problems, although I can now see how one could easily end up at Goodykoontz. Both the PCT and Burkhart are in great shape (although there is one place along Burkhart that requires some caution). There is water in Coopers Canyon...for now. Buckhorn is still closed which means parking at the day use area along the ACH.

Some pics:

Ascending the PCT... get this view down the Bear Creek drainage.

Looking at upon Waterman and the Twins

Now the other direction toward Baden-Powell

View north from one of the summits of Williamson

Use trail along Pleasant View Ridge

Pallett in the foreground; Will Thrall to the rear

View South toward Waterman. Someone help me out here on peak identification. Is the rounded summit in the foreground Buckhorn and the triangular peak to the right Winston?

Looking back along PV Ridge from the southeast flank of Pallett. The route descends that ridgeline in the foreground.

The summit of Pallett (I think). No really sure where the "official" summit is. It all looks the same. It's kinda like being on top of Wright.

Juniper Hills from the northwest slope of Pallett

Will Thrall from near Burkhart Saddle

The Burkhart Trail

I guess this is Little Rock Creek. This is right after the split (as you're descending Burkhart) with the PCT.

Burkhart Trail just below Buckhorn

Clouds creeping over Mt. Wilson on my way home

The End

Re: PV Ridge

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:14 am
by rck
Thanks for the TR! Looks like you had a good hike.

Re: PV Ridge

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:52 pm
by VermillionPearlGirl
I was thinking of doing this one this weekend or the next, so double thanks for the TR! :)

Re: PV Ridge

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:31 pm
by Sean
Uncle Rico wrote:
Looking at upon Waterman and the Twins
Very nice trip. You asked about Buckhorn (Akawie) and Winston. Your picture above better shows them in relation to Waterman and Twin Peaks. I believe you identified them correctly in the other picture.

Re: PV Ridge

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:01 am
by scottawr
I was going to make a new topic but this is a good place to drop some water level pictures of cooper canyon falls from Thursday(4/17). ... 166832004/