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Disappointment-Valley Forge Loop

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:28 pm
by Uncle Rico
I'm almost embarrassed to post this TR after reading the manly reports by Alan, Phil, Sean, and David R, but here goes anyway. On Sunday, I parked at Red Box and did a fun little 8.5 miler. My route was Red Box-->San Gabriel Peak Trail-->Mt. Disappointment-->Markham Saddle-->Valley Forge Trail-->Valley Forge Trail Camp-->Gabrielino Trail-->Red Box. I found the San Gabriel Trail to be in fine shape and nice and shaded. The summit of Mt. Disappointment is disappointing, but he views are not. The Valley Forge Trail is in decent shape, although the brush in encroaching in places and there are a couple of wash-outs. Valley Forge Trail Camp is green and water is flowing in the West Fork. The annoying black flies were out. The Gabrielino Trail from Valley Forge to Red Box is in very good shape. What's the deal with those cabins between Valley Forge and Red Box. They look to be in really great shape as a general proposition.

Some pics:

The San Gabriel Peak Trail

North Side of San Gabriel Peak

View toward Waterman and the Twins

The LA Basin from Disappointment

Deception and Lukens from Disappointment

Valley Forge Trail

The West Fork from Valley Forge Trail

Water in the West Fork Near Valley Forge

Valley Forge Trail Camp

Valley Forge Greenery

Gabrielino Trail Conditions

Back at Red Box

Another fantastic day in our mountains. We're all freakin' super lucky to be able to do this any weekend we choose. Trying to make the most of it.

Re: Disappointment-Valley Forge Loop

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:36 am
by Sewellymon
Cabins are (I think) still operated by LA Schools? Used to be kids would come up for a week at a time...

Re: Disappointment-Valley Forge Loop

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:12 pm
by rck
Looks like you had a good hike!

Re: Disappointment-Valley Forge Loop

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:26 am
by Uncle Rico
Sewellymon wrote: Cabins are (I think) still operated by LA Schools? Used to be kids would come up for a week at a time...
There is the complex that shows on the maps as Camp Hi Hill, and then there are some individual cabins sprinkled deeper in the canyon. Are those latter cabins owned/operated by the LA schools as well? I didn't see that they were accessible by the Rincon-Red Box Road and they are some distance from Camp Hi Hill.

Re: Disappointment-Valley Forge Loop

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:29 pm
by VermillionPearlGirl
I hike up to Disappointment/San Gabriel Peak regularly, and for some reason this loop never occurred to me. Makes loads of sense though, I think I'll try it :)