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Big Butch Wash, Thunder Mtn, and Telegraph Peak

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:18 pm
by Sean
A little before 7am yesterday, four of us, including Keith (tekewin), his friend Rod, and my girlfriend Cecelia, we all started up Big Butch Wash from Manker Flat on our way to Thunder and Telegraph. My camera sucks right now and refuses to focus at inappropriate times, so I don't have a bunch of pictures. Hopefully Keith will fill in some gaps.

At the flowing stream in Big Butch.

Approaching the end of the steep, rocky part.

We paused at the Notch for water, then walked the fire road to Thunder Mtn. Here Keith is looking across at Telegraph...

Rod is enjoying the lift chair...

Cecelia is enjoying some Corn Nuts...

And I'm enjoying a good hike with friends.

The Three Tees trail to Telegraph still had some semi-problematic (no microspikes needed) ice, but mostly it was clear and, as usual, very scenic. Unfortunately I didn't grab any pictures of the trail itself, as I was too busy holding Cecelia's hand. It was her first time to Telegraph Peak.


It was also Keith and Rod's first time on Telegraph. But I didn't hold their hands.

Re: Big Butch Wash, Thunder Mtn, and Telegraph Peak

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:00 pm
by tekewin
I relied on a GoPro for most of the photos on this trip which was a big mistake. It takes pretty good video, but not so good photos (IMO). The poor photos didn't reduce the enjoyment of the hike one bit. Big Butch Wash was great fun, and a much better way to get to the notch than the road or trail under the lifts. Thunder, was well, Thunder.

Sean and Cecelia heading up Big Butch Wash

Coldwater Canyon from Thunder-Telegraph saddle

After summiting Telegraph and taking in spectacular views, we made an effort to descend the NE ridge. Sean had found a way down more along the SE side with a use trail traversing over to the NE ridge. However, the trail was buried in hard snow, ending further progress that way. We scrambled up and over Telegraph again and headed to West Telegraph Peak as a consolation prize. Another great day in the mountains.

A view along the NE ridge of Telegraph

Timber, Cucamonga, Bighorn, and Ontario from Telegraph

Thunder in front, Mt. Baldy in the distance from Telegraph

The snowy NE slope of Telegraph, we didn't get much farther this way

on West Telegraph Peak

Re: Big Butch Wash, Thunder Mtn, and Telegraph Peak

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:10 pm
by Sean
tekewin wrote: Image
on West Telegraph Peak
There's the classic GoPro angle we know and love.

Re: Big Butch Wash, Thunder Mtn, and Telegraph Peak

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:59 pm
by Augie
Nice report!