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San Gab Peak and Mt Disappointment

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:47 am
by rck
I went up this past Friday 3/7 because I had a day off. Trails to San Gab are very rough now since the rains. At one point no trail just step down on rocks then step back up on trail and others trails covered. No biggie just be carful. There was a field day trip from PCC up there, The class was Environmental Studies. Lucky students. Some made it to San Gabriel Peak and some did not. Anyway thought I would tell you about the trail and some Pics. ... 061495913/


Re: San Gab Peak and Mt Disappointment

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:09 pm
by HikeUp
Trail updates are ALWAYS welcome. Nice walk in the mountains eh?

Re: San Gab Peak and Mt Disappointment

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:50 pm
by scottawr
Did you happen to see the deer bones near the trail up to san gabriel peak at the main junction with the mt. Lowe trail? I thought it was a strange spot to find deer remains so close to a popular trail.

Re: San Gab Peak and Mt Disappointment

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:46 am
YUP, when I was there back in early Feb. they were set up in an weird setting. Still there now but not staged as much and skull is moved now. I posted pics on my Flikr site for that hike of this setup. It looked like it was set up like a sacrifice or something. Next time I will hit Markham and Lowe. Started getting heal pains so I did not do it this time.


Re: San Gab Peak and Mt Disappointment

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:46 pm
by scottawr
Markham looked like a really quick fun scramble, looks like poodle dog might choke the use trail to the top though.

I've always been more scared of running into weirdos doing a sacrifice than bears or lions. You would think they would spend the extra 20 minutes to drive to the devils canyon or somthing.