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Icehouse Canyon Snow - 2014/03/01

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:49 am
by rallison
Icehouse is usually packed with hikers. Not so much today. I enjoyed seeing some real snow after months of nothing this season. Snow was falling on and off during the hike.

My photo spheres (360 degree panoramas) from today's hike: ... AAGupmE5-Q ... AAGupmE5_A ... AAGupmE5-g ... AAGupmE5-w ... AAGuphrSiA ... AAGuphrShw

If you are on a phone/tablet where those links don't work well, I've also posted the spheres here: ... 3350482433

Quite a peaceful day.

Re: Icehouse Canyon Snow - 2014/03/01

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:16 am
by rck
Very nice shots. Thanks for going there, err I mean sharing them. :D


Re: Icehouse Canyon Snow - 2014/03/01

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:59 am
by Sean
Nice shots! I was up there too yesterday. Maybe we bumped into each other. I saw a guy with a nice camera in the afternoon. I also saw a couple campers. I was with one other person.

Re: Icehouse Canyon Snow - 2014/03/01

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:32 pm
by tekewin
Very nice photospheres. Cool Android tech.

Sean, please tell me you didn't go up there in sandals? :lol:

Re: Icehouse Canyon Snow - 2014/03/01

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:31 am
by rallison
Thanks. Glad to share.

Sean, for these spheres, I was just shooting on my phone, so the person you saw with a nice camera was definitely not me. I did, however, see the campers. They were camped just a bit above the start of the Cucamonga Wilderness. I spoke briefly with one of the guys - he mentioned that they had camped there Friday night and were set to camp there for Saturday night. Impressive.

Devil's Backbone was also rather nice today (Sunday), despite being a bit cloudy:

Early on, hiking up a steep section of the ski trail: ... AAGupreh9A

Nearing the top of the ski run, before the narrow section: ... AAGupreh8Q

An incredible icy rock along the narrow ridge: ... AAGupreh9g

Just before the scary, steep crossover section: ... AAGupreh8w

Heading back down, a few hundred feet below the previous sphere, as the views briefly opened up a bit: ... AAGupreh9Q

Almost all the way back down to the Notch: ... AAGupreh8g

Re: Icehouse Canyon Snow - 2014/03/01

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:20 am
by Sean
No sandals this time, tekewin. I trudged through knee-deep snow and was glad to have my trail runners.