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Elsinore Mtns High Point.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:08 pm
by scottawr
I had the day off work so I decided to take William up the Ortega Hwy to the Morgan trail head off of the south Main divide road. There is a trail up to the Elsinore mountains high point also known as San Mateo peak, its only 3591ft tall but had great 360 views.

I was happy to see the fire that had gone through Decker canyon and across the main divide down to lake Elsinore had spared the Morgan trail head. I though that the fire had destroyed it but the fire crews had stopped the fire about 20yds from the picnic bench near the parking area.

Pictures - ... 853948424/

Re: Elsinore Mtns High Point.

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:23 pm
by tekewin
This is one of my favorite hikes in the Santa Anas. Some cool boulders on the summit and just off trail if you are willing to get to them. I'm glad the fire didn't get the Morgan TH or the trail. Very nice photos.

Re: Elsinore Mtns High Point.

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:09 pm
by scottawr
I hike off of Ortega all the time, and I had no idea it was there. I've always looked at the boulder covered area from afar and wanted to hike there, but the trail was not on either of the two Santa Ana maps I have.

I loved the trail and I want to explore past the peak next time. Google earth shows some meadow areas and more boulders I want to check out. There was a fat area on the peak that would be an excellent spot to camp out and watch the sun set.