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Waterman 1/15/14

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:20 pm
by JerryN
I only had the morning to hike so Daniel and I headed up to Waterman. It was the first time there for both of us. Of course we did not read the guide carefully until later, so we started up at the main ski lift. After ascending 500' we realized we had missed the trail and the road. Not willing to give up elevation we decided to head straight up and then figure it out when we reached the top of the rise. That put us at about 8,000' and it was then obvious what we should do. Headed over to Waterman, played on the boulders and had a great morning. The non-trail is in great shape, dry as a bone. On the way back we picked up the trail and took it to where we should have started and after a short hike back up the road completed our newly minted route. A good day on the mountain.

Re: Waterman 1/15/14

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:59 pm
by Augie
No better way to spend a morning than in the high country!