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Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:44 pm
by BrownMtnBob
Okay, I'm 44, in good shape, always been an "natural" weight is around 235, but when training, I can get down to a very lean 200-205. I've never had a problem with my hip/s. Yet today, I was cruising around the Rose Bowl before the game......Strava said I walked a total of 6.7 miles. Well, one of my hips began hurting on each step. The pain was more dull than sharp, and right at the point of the hip joint. I've done Iron, Whitney.....most everything in the San Gabs with never a hip issue. The pain I had was not enough to limp....but kind of approaching that level.

?? Anything to be worried about? God I'd hate to suddenly develop a hip problem! Hip issues are not common to anyone that I know of in my family.


Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:59 pm
by anarchist
I'm 46 and just started using msm. Its been working for me. Google it.

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:24 pm
by cougarmagic
Google Trochanteric Bursitis.

Lots of ibuprofen will fix you right up, if it's that.

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:26 pm
by Mike P
anarchist wrote: I'm 46 and just started using msm. Its been working for me. Google it.
You'll notice in your Google perusals that MSM cures everything in the world. It may even bring world peace if you take enough of it.

If you wish to support a store that sells it then go to GNC. At least they have nice people that will take your money with a smile :)

Save your money. (I am passionate about quack medicine.)

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:33 pm
by anarchist
If it matters I get the crystal form of msm at the local feed store.

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:59 pm
by Augie
Before you start a supplements regimen, you need to see how persistent this hip aggravation is. Resist the urge to "push through it" if it continues and intensifies. If it persists, a medical consult is probably in order.

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:41 pm
by shreddy
I'm a volunteer running coach (half marathon, full, ultra). Here are a few places I recommend to the adult athletes I work with:

CASA COLINA (Free Injury Consult)

I've been to Casa Colina (Sunday clinic) to accompany a friend who was dealing with a foot issue. I was impressed with the facility and professionalism of the staff. We were in and out of there relatively quickly. Again this is a free service. Even free x-rays if warranted.

Main web page:

Azusa clinic - Monday Evenings ... 003_F2.pdf

Pomona Clinic - Sunday Mornings (Techincally Pomona, but more like Claremont to me) ... injury.pdf

CATZ (Free Inj Consult)
Nice facility. Free consult / No pressure. May have to wait a few days to get in.

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:50 pm
by Mike P
Augie and Shreddy gave great advice. Get a diagnosis before you start any kind of treatment, especially if it doesn't respond to "tincture of time".

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:15 pm
by BrownMtnBob
Thanks for the comments/thoughts/info fellas. I appreciate it. It's pretty early to be pushing the panic button (only felt the pain once after all)....but I know several people who had their hips "redone" in their late 40s. I would think that that pretty much takes you right out of the hiking game.

I do have ITBS, but that's more of an inflammation thing than anything else...and I can pretty much avoid it by using poles, adjusting my foot position and not bending my knees so much on descents.

I'll look into all your tips....and see if the pain continues; but as I say, it's only one time so far.

Re: Uh oh! Hip trouble??

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:42 pm
by tracker
Get checked out. I went to the doctor a couple years ago with a headache and......, well, that big white spot in my brain should not have been there.