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Galena Peak \ Mill Creek JumpOff

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:57 am
by aklackner
It's out of the area this forum is focused on but a good winter snow climb just the same.

I was out near Vivian Creek TH in San Bernardino NF for a meetup climb of Galena Peak 12/8/13. I only went up through the head wall since I had time constraints and the climb started even later than it was scheduled. Conditions were pretty good about 6-12" of fluff in the drainage and the creek is staring to freeze up, though not solid until pretty far up. The snow isn't deep enough yet to provide a base for snowshoes so just like any drainage it's a little tough on the ankles and feet by the end of the day though not too bad. The head wall itself had about 4-6" of firm snow and rime good for crampons, careful of thin spots over rocks. Clearly not enough to ski. It kept everything in place and made for a quick climb up to the ridge. I can't speak to conditions up the ridge since I turned around at the top of the head wall but it looked like a light covering ~6-10". Everything was melting pretty quick despite the colder temps things were noticeably melted out and a good bit of water moving in the creek on the retreat back down the drainage. For anyone interested here's a full gps track from a trip up Galena peak that I recorded early this year.

I plan to go back in the next month or so for a full trip but will wait until another dusting hits the area.

Re: Galena Peak \ Mill Creek JumpOff

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:12 pm
by Augie
Thanks for the report. This is a great climb assuming the headwall is in decent condition. To your comment, this forum encompasses a lot more of southern California than the San Gabriels.

Re: Galena Peak \ Mill Creek JumpOff

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:00 pm
by aklackner
Thanks Augie, that's great to hear. And nice to meet you virtually at least. I feel like I've been following you around for a long time now (hopefully that's not creepy) :? with your prolific contributions on SummitPost and other SoCal resources.

Re: Galena Peak \ Mill Creek JumpOff

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:33 pm
by Augie
Thanks for the kind words. Look forward to meeting you in person sometime soon.

Re: Galena Peak \ Mill Creek JumpOff

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:52 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Cool. Galena is definitely on my "to do" list.