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El Cajon Mountain and Silverdome

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:21 pm
by tekewin
El Cajon in San Diego is formidable with roller coaster hills and significant gain on the return with no water anywhere. I was also interested in exploring Silverdome, a mysterious, granitic dome, rumored to be the largest granite monolith in San Diego County. I could find very little useful beta on Silverdome and no trip reports. In addition to the regular trail to El Cajon, there is a class 3 route and several class 5 routes.

This hike has a unique elevation profile. It has almost no level areas. You are always going up or down. It also has crazy signs. Every mile or so, there is an elevation profile with a "you are here" marker so you can see your progress. However, I got the impression the signs were really saying, "You can't do this, loser, go back home and eat twinkies on your couch". That was reinforced with a special stop sign and warning that if the time was already 12:30 PM, you should stop and go back. I've never seen signs like this on any trail. Maybe they've had to do a lot of rescues. Who knows? It was bizarre.

Full Report ... rdome.html

Informative or discouraging?

Stop, we don't want you here!

Approaching El Cajon summit

Summit view

On the way back, just before the 2 mile marker, I took a few minutes to estimate my chances on Silverdome, then forged ahead at the least dense section of brush. I quickly got to a slab of granite and climbed 100' or so before hitting more brush. It was a class 2/3 bushwhack from there, but all class 3 sections could be easily bypassed. In 30 minutes, I was on top where I found a cairn, but no benchmark or register. There were some interesting boulders on top and steeper drops on the other side. I made no attempt to follow the same route down that I used coming up. I followed animal trails where possible, then rocks/slabs if possible, otherwise bushwhack city. I hit the trail in a different spot from where I started for about a one hour side trip .

Start of Silverdome cross country

Cool boulder near Silverdome summit

Explorer ponders next challenge

Re: El Cajon Mountain and Silverdome

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:44 am
by Hikin_Jim
4:30?!? Dang that's restrictive. Why?


Re: El Cajon Mountain and Silverdome

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:24 am
by tekewin
I don't know why they have such an early cut off time.

You can park on the road outside the parking lot so you would not have to worry about being locked in the lot in case you got back late.

I also don't know why they think this trail has some special heat problem that requires it to be closed the entire month of August, unless they have had too many rescues to handle. There are plenty of hot places in SoCal during the summer.

Re: El Cajon Mountain and Silverdome

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:07 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Nanny state mentality.