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20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:16 am
by Taco
Real light snow, corn/graupel I guess. About 3 inches in most places. Looked beautiful at the beginning of the day, was all melted on southern slopes by the end.

My buddy Dustin wanted to go up, his first time. Took Manker Flats to the notch, Backbone to Harwood, Harwood's west ridge to the summit of Baldy. Backbone all the way back. A good liesurely trip. I probably spelled that wrong.

Started sometime around 0630, ended 1630 or so, I think. I don't usually keep track of time that much.

Ate at Baldy Lodge, got one of the biggest burgers each (don't remember name, Samantha's Bigass Burger or something). Went home, I showered and slept after 27 hours of no sleep because I'm a pansy. :lol:

Some pics:
The Bowl

Backbone with sunrise

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bears. (Manker Cutoff Road, Manker Canyon, one bear)


Dustin on the top


Chute off BB trail, snow on north side.


Dustin on BB

Telegraph Peak NWF

Thing that appears to be floating, kinda near Big Butch wash

All gone. :(

Firefighters (I think) rapping in SAC

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:37 pm
by Taco
SP TR, with Dustin's pictures as well: ... irm_post=7

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:25 pm
by He219
Nice report Taco!
TacoDelRio wrote: Ate at Baldy Lodge, got one of the biggest burgers each (don't remember name, Samantha's Bigass Burger or something).
It's called Manette's Great Grubber.
Had it up there a couple of weeks ago.

Trouble is, after a good hike my stomach shrank that I could only down a couple of bites of that awesome burger ...

Say, forget the Sake' again; no swordfights?

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:04 pm
by AlanK
Nice pictures! Loved da Bear. It all made me want to head to Baldy, but that'll have to wait a bit.

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:39 pm
by Taco
HE, I had my sake, but did not drink it. I forgot my sword at home (my beloved Kanetsune-Seki Hana, fancy traditional Machete-to. :lol: )

Alan, I had never seen one at that altitude! It surprised us. It was unfortunate that I was unable to sit and observe it. it's always great to watch and learn from an animal like that, in it's habitat. It is unfortunate that I never see them, last seeing one near Potato Mountain in 2003.

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:23 pm
by Travis
Nice pictures and trip report. Looks like it was a fun hike, I have yet to see a bear in California, maybe ones of these days.

So are you conditioned enough for our San Gorgonio 9 peak loop next weekend?


Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:56 pm
by Taco
I might be... my buddy wants to go up CUcamonga and Etiwanda next weekend.. maybe he will want to do this instead (San G 9 Peak).

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:04 pm
by Rob
Taco, great trip report.

By the time I reached Baldy Summit on Sunday afternoon (10/7/2007), most of the snow was gone.

Spotted a couple of exotic animals (domestic llamas?) grazing at Bear Flat. Are they regulars? I think they were on a leash, but I did not get too close to examine. They wore bells, and at a distance we thought there were cell phones ringing at Bell Flat.

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:11 pm
by Rob
I meant to say, "They wore bells, and at a distance we thought there were cell phones ringing at Bear Flat."

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:14 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Travis wrote: ... San Gorgonio 9 peak loop next weekend...
Please post a TR if you have time. What route are you taking BTW?

Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:36 pm
by Travis
I will,

we are hiking from Moymer and coming down Vivian creek. It keeps the car shuttle easy. We are going to exclude San Gorgonio and include Dobb's, comming down the south-west ridge of Dobbs and hooking up with the Vivan creek trail,


Re: 20071006 Harwood and Baldy, new snow again.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:47 pm
by Taco
Rob, that's wierd. I've heard of Llamas on Baden Powell, I guess it's the same group I'd think.

We saw a bear, and people all day, s'bout it. I never see much wildlife. Still have never seen a sheep (Singular... shope? Shap? :lol: ) up here, just in the desert as a child.