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Onion Valley to Kearsarge Pass - 8/2-8/3/2013

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:32 pm
by mcphersonm80
We headed up on Friday to Onion Valley, planning to acclimate for 2 nights before heading over to Mt Langley. The campground is gorgeous, at 9200' nestled in a small hanging valley between two massive ridges of Sierra granite. Perfect place to get used to the altitude before heading out for any of the big peaks in the area.

Onion Valley

When we arrived, we took a quick hike up to Gilbert Lake for lunch, probably about 2.5 miles up the Kearsarge Pass trail.

Gilbert Lake

I could get used to this.

Looking back, I wish we had hiked up to Golden Trout Lake that first day, as we'd be passing right by Gilbert again the following day but whatever... it'll be there next time.

The next morning we got up just before sunrise, which over the Owens Valley, never disappoints. We had breakfast and set out for Kearsarge Pass.

Sunrise from Onion Valley

Fireweed near the outlet stream from Gilbert

The trail is easy hiking, only averaging about 500 feet per mile the entire way and passing by five or six lakes, each with their own little personalities.

Little Pothole Lake

University Peak

That Delicious Sierra Granite

Not much else to report on the way up... Just a straightforward and extremely enjoyable hike. More shots:

Heart Lake

Panorama back toward camp from the Trail (click for King Size)

Big Pothole Lake

I was particularly mesmerized by this formation:

Well-played, Earth.

When you get to the pass, as with most Sierra passes, the entire world seemingly unfolds before your eyes.

View from Kearsarge Pass (click for Turbo)

On the way down, we took the short and extremely worthwhile side trip to Matlock Lake, easily the most impressive of all lakes in this area.

Paintbrush and some kind of Sage imposter flowers

Endangered Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs (yep, those same ones)

University Peak above Matlock Lake

Sunrise before departing for Langley

Overall, Onion Valley and Kearsarge Pass are *%$^in cool places. Absolutely perfect for fairly relaxed acclimation hikes. As usual, because they're fairly popular, online forums and certain guide books (*cough* Secor *cough*) say the place is rampantly overused and basically a dump not worth visiting. :roll:

I'll put the Langley stuff in a seperate report.

More pics here: ... 975514410/

Re: Onion Valley to Kearsarge Pass - 8/2-8/3/2013

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:41 pm
by longcut
i enjoyed this write up alot, thanks for post!!

Re: Onion Valley to Kearsarge Pass - 8/2-8/3/2013

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:18 pm
by Ze Hiker
really nice photos.

Re: Onion Valley to Kearsarge Pass - 8/2-8/3/2013

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:48 pm
by Uncle Rico
Man McP, you take the nicest photos on this forum (no disrespect to anyone else). Absolutely stunning. Love that hike to the Pass out of Onion Valley.

Re: Onion Valley to Kearsarge Pass - 8/2-8/3/2013

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:26 pm
by MattCav
I second Rico's comment.

Re: Onion Valley to Kearsarge Pass - 8/2-8/3/2013

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:54 pm
by JeffH
I agree, great place to visit. I usually go hang out around Gilbert Lake for one of my acclimation days, now you're making me want to go visit Matlock.
Nice pics...

Re: Onion Valley to Kearsarge Pass - 8/2-8/3/2013

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:20 am
by mcphersonm80
Thanks 8)