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20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:45 pm
by Taco
Went with Brian (crazyazunboy), to get off our asses and not be indoors. With that accomplished, we found that GMR is still closed (apparently until tuesday), and Law Enforcement were about to stage a sort of raid on those "campers" who kinda just sit around along the side of East Fork Road before GMR and Heaton Flat. My buddy who went up for a drive later stated that LASD, CHP, and USFS did some stuff around there, talking to and ticketing the people. Who the hell camps on the friggin' turnouts?

Anywho, Brian and I were to check out a large water/dryfall up Cattle Canyon. I had no idea how to access the top for a rappel (though I lack long enough rope), so off we went to find out random stuff. Some Hispanic kids had paintball guns, which they said were to be used as anti-bear implements. Lord.

I also wanted to check out the small walls in the canyon to see how they'd support climbing. Generally, they'd mostly do best bolted, as there ain't much room for other pro, period. There is some good rock out there.

Yay for grafitti! I hate it when things are clean.


One of the walls

More shots

Cracks, which end and then go into what appears to wonderful lack-of-quality-land.

Continuing to the waterfall

Up Close

The waterfall

We figured out some possible ways to reach the top. Anyone got a parachute? :lol:

Rock split by tree

Some kid splaying "Let's see how much trash we can throw into the river before the Gods punish us". They just kept throwing cups into the water. I hate the people around here... no respect for nature.

We left, and headed to West Fork area to do some rappelling and anchor practice/refreshing course stuff on a small waterfall right off the road. This is just a short distance up north past the west fork parking lot.

Brian and the waterfall

Brian belaying me while I try to find good placements in the rock. Lower rock is excellent, but higher band is decomposed dark rock, very soggy. One #2 nut held very well, after about... 6 placements of various passive pro? No good. Bottom pro was a #5 or 6 hex. I've found that small-range hexes are kinda useful in decomposing San Gabriel granite.

Oh yeah, what are these?
Canya eatum?

That's about it.

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:42 am
by JMunaretto
why are they "campers" ? I've seen all those vehicles parked along the east fork rd, what is there great interest to camp there?

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:15 am
JMunaretto wrote:why are they "campers" ? I've seen all those vehicles parked along the east fork rd, what is there great interest to camp there?
I always thought they lived there in their campers. For free. Just have to have that adventure pass. Thought they sold their house and bought a rv and just pull up and sit there. Why are the cops making a stand now? They just noticed them?

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:32 am
by Taco

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:13 pm
by AW~
>Canya eatum?

I think that is a blackberry bush, but have never tried them(and dont plan to).

>WF practice
I would suggest Oak Creek as a vast improvement over that spot. Drive along East Fork road past Oaks Picnic Area and then turn up GMR road. Eventually you get to Oak Creek(identified by canyon opening on left side of road). Dont bother exploring Oak Creek further upstream, just go down the left side of the road and enter a tunnel that goes downstream(underneath the road). That will put you at the top.

>Kids & trash

Cant put too much blame on them...parents seem more to blame here.


Could it be illegal campfires? Thats whats on the enforcement site. Sounds logical.

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:28 pm
by Taco
As soon as GMR opens back up (unless that was today or something), I'll go check it out. Pretty good spot?

Thanks for the tip!

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:16 am
by Hikin_Jim
TacoDelRio wrote:Oh yeah, what are these?
Canya eatum?
'Em dere is black berries. Yes, you can eatum. Gotta be DARK color to be worth eating. 'Em's good eats. Lotsa dem near Switzer Falls.

Sum peeple use dem fer email. Dunno how dat werks. :roll:

Dang! Been long time no go E fork. Live so close to ACH entrance, usually just head up crest to high country or sum ting. Gotta get back to E Fork. Need new vehicle for to deal with vermin-people who mess with my car.

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:43 pm
by Taco
Fank joo gud surr.

j00 kannut emailz wif red brackburries.

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:27 pm
by Hikin_Jim
TacoDelRio wrote:j00 kannut emailz wif red brackburries.
Don't be too sure about that...

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:25 pm
by Taco


Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:30 pm
by Hikin_Jim
And what is the name of the red colored Blackberry? The Blackberry "Pearl" of course. :lol:

Re: 20080524 Cow Canyon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:41 pm
by Taco
The colors remind me of pearls. I think?