Panorama trail on a sunny clear day
Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 7:39 pm
its wasnt all thunderstormy today on my run, so i could see stuff this time. i did another 15 miles on the 4 mile trail to panorama to jmt, again. the JMT was cool cause there"d been a big land/rock slide. so i had to spend some time getting down it and helping some tourists find the way. the trail was totally gone by panorama wall down to just befor the mist junction, . covered in feet-deep dirt, rocks, broken trees...the side of the mountain slid down a couple hundered feet, no pics of it, i was just trying to get through and off that area asap as some smaller rocks were still falling occasionally.
heres pics of more peaceful stuff (only a couple though, cause i only stopped twice (my priority is running, not photography
Sentinel Rock
Nevada Falls
nevada and Vernal
heres pics of more peaceful stuff (only a couple though, cause i only stopped twice (my priority is running, not photography
Sentinel Rock
Nevada Falls
nevada and Vernal