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Strawberry Peak, Colby Canyon, Station Fire areas

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:52 am
by tekewin
Has anyone heard anything regarding reopening any of the station fire burn areas?

Last year, sections of the Big Tujunga area reopened. I was hoping more would open this year, but haven't heard anything.

Re: Strawberry Peak, Colby Canyon, Station Fire areas

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:34 am
by AW~
tekewin wrote: Has anyone heard anything regarding reopening any of the station fire burn areas?

Last year, sections of the Big Tujunga area reopened. I was hoping more would open this year, but haven't heard anything.
Its unlikely to open until all the trails are deemed safe. I would guess its still in the beginning stages of work and it wont open for 1 to 2 years. Money being another reason, even with the volunteers lead by the Sierra Club.

On the projects they list a short reroute of a trail from the Lawlor side of Colby canyon that mayl take place...There are at least a couple of projects that will be needed for the north side of the peak as well.
"Strawberry Peak Trail Reroute

The Angeles National Forest proposes to construct a new, approx. 0.2 mile, re-routed section of the Strawberry Peak Trail. A section of the existing trail goes straight downhill, causing erosion. The new section of trail would partially follow an existing abandoned roadbed, with a new switchback to provide a more gradual grade. The project is consistent with Forest Plan Goal 3.1, to provide safe and sustainable recreation facilities. The ANF is requesting public comment to define the scope of potential impacts of the project. The official comment period started April 18 with the publication of a legal notice, and will end May 20. The project is subject to notice, comment, and appeal regulations 36 CFR 215. Only those who qualify under 36 CFR 215.13 may appeal. For further information and documents, including how to comment, click on the project name above."

Re: Strawberry Peak, Colby Canyon, Station Fire areas

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:51 am
by tekewin
Thanks for the excellent info. Too bad it won't be open soon.

Re: Strawberry Peak, Colby Canyon, Station Fire areas

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:07 pm
by shreddy
Great info ---- skipping to another trail, I wonder what (if any) progress there is on the Gabrielino Trail iheading up into the mountains. From JPL one can get to Brown Mt Debris Dam. Trail used to climb to the right of the dam and drop to Oak Wilde. I wonder how the "Royal Gorge" of the Arroyo / Middle Arroyo looks these days and the condition of the trail (if any)?

My guess is that it will be a long time before it is passable without some major work / bushwhacking. Tom Sloan too. Bear Canyon?

Anyone have any updates of this area?

Happy Trails!

Re: Strawberry Peak, Colby Canyon, Station Fire areas

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:28 pm
by HikeUp
Shreddy...about a month ago a couple friends of mine thought they could do an easy downhill hike from Switzers to JPL...boy were they in for a surprise. They ended up covered in poison oak and had to return to Switzer's - no sign of a trail.

Although given their obvious inexperience and lack of knowledge of the area, it is slightly feasible that they just lost track of what is left of the trail. Bottom line is it wasn't obvious to them so I am guessing the trail is in complete disarray.

Re: Strawberry Peak, Colby Canyon, Station Fire areas

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:35 pm
by shreddy
Thanks Hike Up --- I recall that post. Damn ... I miss access to that area. I bet it's wild in there. Very intriguing, but not sure I want to venture in.