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pk 6327 via South Hawkins ridge

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:03 am
by AW~
Went out to take the easy way to my nemesis peak 6327, which I had a couple of attempts previously from below. The campers at Crystal Lake were still snug in their sleeping bags as they hopefully enjoyed the last minutes of dark. The morning was crisp and a small bit on the chilly side.

After the first near miss on summiting South Hawkins, it was a steep downhill until you can either go to Rattlesnake peak or where I was going. Where I was going was basically where the firefighters who fought the Shoemaker fire had gone :D , since the primary plant around here is 10ft high buckthorn. They stopped at shy of pk 6347, but the rest of the way wasnt bad. Going to peak 6327 departure time was 3 hours, 15 mins since Crystal Lake.....

The views at peak 6327 were neat as expected....on one hand you could look straight into SIF and turn around and see if anyone was walking the East Fork trail. Then it was time to return. The sun was out, the flying varmits were out, and where did those firefighters go again? And there were those couple of short super steep portions. Thanks to the fire, one of them very close to the top I just got onto the Rattlesnake ridge since that was only steep.

Then it was another near miss summiting South Hawkins again:wink: and back to the car, briefly stopping at Snowslide canyon, which was running nice clean water.

All the routes up to ridge here repaved....
pk 6347 and lastly pk 6327...Baldy still some snow...
One of the constant companions, Coper ridge
Looking down at SIF from pk6327
Towards Baldy
Falls Gulch and Clark Gulch
Rattlesnake Peak
Starting out on South Hawkins...again

Re: pk 6327 via South Hawkins ridge

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:41 am
by Ze Hiker

next, x6151?

Re: pk 6327 via South Hawkins ridge

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:33 pm
by AW~
ZĂ© wrote: ↑nice!

next, x6151?
I was looking at it...does that count?
I doubt if I could dayhike it. The sun rises right on that Twin Peaks ridge and was already giving me 2nd thoughts(not that I had many first thoughts).
Its somewhere on the list though. I was thinking of a 2 day hike, with a focus of exploring just north of peak 6834(Thats my best guess for a drop in to WF Bear Creek). I could start down the ridge at dusk, bivy and then start up

Next though....hmm...Fish Fork(2 days)?

Re: pk 6327 via South Hawkins ridge

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:42 pm
by Taco
FF sounds like fun.

Re: pk 6327 via South Hawkins ridge

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:09 pm
by Uncle Rico
Sweet pics AW. At the risk of sounding as unknowledgable as I actually am, what is SIF?

Re: pk 6327 via South Hawkins ridge

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:26 am
by AW~
Uncle Rico wrote: ↑Sweet pics AW. At the risk of sounding as unknowledgable as I actually am, what is SIF?
SIF = South Iron Fork

....2,000 ft down I think. The East Fork SG on the other side is almost 4,000ft.

hikers in previous picture

Re: pk 6327 via South Hawkins ridge

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:12 pm
by Uncle Rico
AW wrote: ↑
SIF = South Iron Fork
I see said the blind man. Never been down there. One more for the bucket list.