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Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:17 pm
by yobtaf
Well I was off work again today so I decided to take a drive to Chantry Flats and hike up to Sturtevant camp. Last time I was up here I stopped at Spruce Grove, it didn't dawn on me that Sturtevant was just up a bit more. I got to the parking lot about 9am and there was 3 other cars. The weather looked like it could change at anytime, but that was ok. I had a new soft shell jacket to try and a light weight rain jacket to try too. The weather held out the whole time and as soon as I was going up hill the soft shell came off. I made a huge mistake, I didn't eat much for breakfast and only had a cup of coffee before hitting the trail. As I was coming up to spruce grove I was starving and running out of fuel. Just before spruce grove I felt a little "pop" behind my heel that made my calf tight and all up hill walking started to suck. I had this before a month or so ago but have been fine since. I made it to the Sturtevant and had some coffee, little water, and the few snacks I had to eat. Not nearly enough calories. I snapped a few pictures then headed out. I was feeling ok but at one up hill part my calf really started to hurt. I stretched it out and continued on. When I got to the paved part going up and out, my tank was on fumes. I lagged up the hill and as soon as I got to the car downed 32 oz of water and ate some peanut butter crackers. I did filter water one time on the way out, but should have drank a bunch more. My calf feels ok now, a little sore every now and then, but ok. If anyone knows what this might be post away. Hit In&out for more calories on the way home! Anyways enough chit chat on to the pics.
This is a new camera that Im not use to yet. Some of the pics are kinda blurry.

I hope the weather holds
stove pron

thanks for stopping by.

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:20 pm
by Sean
yobtaf wrote: I decided to take a drive to Chantry Flats and hike up to Sturtevant camp...I made a huge mistake, I didn't eat much for breakfast and only had a cup of coffee before hitting the trail...Just before spruce grove I felt a little "pop" behind my heel that made my calf tight and all up hill walking started to suck...If anyone knows what this might be post away.
Thanks for the report. I love hiking in such weather. Sounds like your muscles were shutting down due to low electrolyte levels. Try dropping some tabs in your water. You probably would have been okay if you had eaten breakfast. If the problem doesn't go away after eating and resting, it might be a strain or something worse.

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:34 pm
by Marty
Nice pics. I love that trail. Dan who runs the camp is a super friendly guy if you ever run into him.

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:14 am
by davantalus
AHHHH Salamander!

Nice pics. :D

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:09 am
by yobtaf
Thanks all for the replies! Im happy with the new cheap camera, and the wet conditions made the pictures even better. I love that area, just not the crowds on weekends. Going b4 I have night work is the ticket.

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:17 pm
by mangus7175
Till today, I have yet to see a salamander...

That place looks so much better when hardly anyone is around. I need to go here on weekdays I guess.

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:01 pm
by yobtaf
mangus7175 wrote: Till today, I have yet to see a salamander...

That place looks so much better when hardly anyone is around. I need to go here on weekdays I guess.
He was still in the same area when I came back down an hour or so later. First one I ever saw, I think if you lick the back of one you will trip out. :lol:

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:11 am
by davantalus
[quote="yobtaf:43394"]I think if you lick the back of one you will trip out. :lol:[/quote] A bad salamander trip is definitely on my bucket list.

Re: Sturtevant Camp

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:44 am
by yobtaf
davantalus wrote:
yobtaf wrote: I think if you lick the back of one you will trip out. :lol:
A bad salamander trip is definitely on my bucket list.
That would be a trip report! :shock: :lol: :wink: