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Mt. Wilson Trail burn area: 05-18-2008

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 1:26 pm
by HikeUp
Took some pictures of the burned parts of the Mt. Wilson Trail above Sierra Madre today. The fire burned both sides of Little Santa Anita Canyon from the flood control dam (just above the houses) up to First Water. Trail is in good shape up to the crossover trail (except for a few dirt slides in the burn area that partially cover trail - these will be a constant problem until new growth occurs).

I was really tempted to do some off-trail exploring since there was no bush hindering such travel, but it clearly would lead to dirt/rock slides and damage to the burn areas. The southeast ridge of Jones Peak would no longer be a bushwhack, but that will have to wait awhile.

House near fire's edge...

Charred hillside...

"Darth Maul" manzanita tree...


BBQ'd cactus...

Re: Mt. Wilson Trail burn area: 05-18-2008

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 4:05 pm
by hvydrt
I noticed that house yesterday on my hike. The people that own those homes are nuts. Constant danger of fire, flood, mudslide and rock fall.
It looked like the fire dept cut a line along the ridge at first water, and that is about where the burn area ended.

Re: Mt. Wilson Trail burn area: 05-18-2008

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:33 am
by AW~ about being burnt to a crisp...darth maul manzanita...awesome.