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Blah blah blah...

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:32 am
by Taco
How's everything going on down there? We're getting a TON of rain right now. Are you guys getting any snow up high?

Anyone do any new canyons or routes or anything?


Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:55 pm
by atomicoyote
Rain started about 3:30PM today, pretty light. I believe the storm is picking up some tropical moisture, so its too warm for any good snowfall (bummer).

Not many post on here lately, huh? Don't worry, the San Gabriel Mtns are still here.

I went up Icehouse Canyon to Ontario Pk on Thanksgiving day. Saw only a few folks up there, kinda nice not having to manuever through the crowds. Don't do canyons or vertical walls anymore, someone else will have to chime in on that.

Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:47 pm
by cougarmagic
Yeah, no snow, but the light and steady rain over the past few days made everything turn GREEN again. (Which I love! Amazing to see grass grow overnight)

Haven't done any canyons lately. Just watching the kittehs and bearz.

I hiked around Chilao/Pacifico last week. Beautiful sky and weather, and a great feeling of being in the middle of it all. Trashy as they get around the edges, I love these mountains.

Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:25 pm
by HikeUp
I don't hike anymore. Hope to fix that soon.

For those that are hiking I ask...POST A DAMN TR!!!


Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:44 pm
by outwhere
HikeUp wrote: I don't hike anymore. Hope to fix that soon.

For those that are hiking I ask...POST A DAMN TR!!!

Double that..

Even though I don't get to the San Gabriels like before, it doesn't mean I haven't stopped lovin' them any less... a mountain range with such beauty, so close to a 'concrete jungle'... big/great memories up there...

And even though some of us can conjure up canyons and mountain tops visions, there are senses that are harder to recreate,,,,,, like the smell of sage that engulfs a canyon right after you leave the wonderful scent of the bay trees less than a mile away...

So thanks Taco for starting up and keeping up this forum, it really means a lot to folks like me that don't get around like we used to [for whatever the reason may be].

And Taco, since you've gone up north, your TRs up and down canyons and water sheds that I might cringe just looking at, let alone go down, are truly missed... 'going where only very few have gone in the San Gabriels', made possible by Taco etc :P

So instead of a TR, the best that can be offered is a big thanks for all that contribute here...



Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:16 am
by AW~
Nothing new....I visited an old friend canyon last Sunday to see the Station Fire changes...simple tr - "Invasive Plants" canyon with the typical knuckleheads doing the usual violation of leave no trace...fires, new added trail, trash(such as big broken glass pieces left on the trail), black hoses, etc...aka access breeds ignorance.

I am planning on some new stuff, at least to me....just waiting for more water...and to find my camera :cry:...Im holding my cell phone steady and it still takes blurry pictures?..arrgh. It did get a decent pictures of some mushrooms in the canyon :D I wonder if they are safe to eat.


Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:01 pm
by atomicoyote

Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:52 pm
by Taco
Right on. Well y'all better get out this winter!!!!

It snowed last night. Not a lot, less than forecasted. :-\

Thanks guys, take care.

Re: Blah blah blah...

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:05 pm
by Hikin_Jim
HikeUp wrote: I don't hike anymore. Hope to fix that soon.

For those that are hiking I ask...POST A DAMN TR!!!
Um, OK: Skyline Trail

Why you no be hikin'?