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Waterman and Twin Peaks from Buckhorn May 10

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 3:45 pm
by JMunaretto
Finally did this hike after hearing the trail was in good condition (thanks Mike P!)

On the drive up, we happily ascending through the cloud layer. I believe that's Monrovia Peak in the back

Started the hike about 9:30 and on the way quickly saw the east ridge up to Twin Peaks, and thought, hey that looks like a pretty cool climb!

I really like this area. Smells great. Pretty isolated. Just quality.

Normally we go on up and down hikes, but I kept warning the 5 who joined up that we'd be going up and down, up and down, up and down...and that this twin would be a PITA!

They thought it wasn't bad so far

What is this?

The heliport is assuredly there to lift away those too exhausted after getting up the twins

Even this very strong hiker was getting a taxing workout

What this shirt really means is USC 'builds' championships by buying players. (woops off topic)

My calves were pissed going up to Twin Peaks. They are my limiting factor when hiking steep stuff. Gotta get rid of that!

Awesome views from the East twin.

The group

Pretty purple

The group really liked this hike...they think its harder than going up the Ski Hut route to Baldy, and I can see that being true b/c the part up the twins was steeper than any part of Ski hut but also because of the repeated up and down stuff. Oh, and there were a shit load of flies, that was kinda annoying!

I measured 4200 ft gain, seems about right. Seems like an 11 mile hike. Definitely one to do again. ... aksMay2008

Re: Waterman and Twin Peaks from Buckhorn May 10

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 4:18 pm
by HikeUp
Thanks for the TR and for sharing the pics.

The red thing is a snowplant.

Re: Waterman and Twin Peaks from Buckhorn May 10

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 7:53 pm
by Mike P
I agree, JM, that this hike was tougher for me than Ski Hut to Baldy. Its not nearly as long but certainly steeper. This peak is a "fun" peak and definitely worth doing again.

How was the snow?

Re: Waterman and Twin Peaks from Buckhorn May 10

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 7:58 pm
by Taco
I've also had those red plants termed as "Pine Drops" in some of my books.

Looks like y'all enjoyed some CLEAN SGW Backcountry!

Re: Waterman and Twin Peaks from Buckhorn May 10

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:40 pm
by AW~
well its not clean if you have flies swarming your face... :( Did these flies bother you a lot at the top or was this more of being a bullseye target on the way up or down? Any report on water sources?

Re: Waterman and Twin Peaks from Buckhorn May 10

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:41 pm
by JMunaretto
AW wrote:well its not clean if you have flies swarming your face... :( Did these flies bother you a lot at the top or was this more of being a bullseye target on the way up or down? Any report on water sources?
The flies were all over the place after the first saddle. I honestly only really noticed them when I stopped. I don't remember them on top of Waterman but think there were some on top of twins.

There is a creek like 0.5 miles up from the start at Buckhorn. Then, when heading down to the saddle before going up Twin Peaks, there is a small, non-dry creek, but from what I remember there's not much water. There's an itty bitty amount, I honestly can't remember in more specific detail.

Re: Waterman and Twin Peaks from Buckhorn May 10

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:56 pm
by Dudley Heinsbergen
i cant believe i was skiing there 3 months ago!