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Ontario Peak 8/11 - still water at Kellys

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:08 pm
by RichardK
We hiked to Ontario Peak Saturday, 8/11. There is still water flowing at the Kellys Camp spring. It seems to have slowed just a bit from our last visit 3 weeks ago. Water was also pooling a few feet below the spring.


The trail junction above the camp is one place where you can get a pano from West Baldy to Cucamonga. 11 frames at 24 megapixels each pushed Arcsoft Panorama Maker to its limit. It ran out of memory. I cut the right most frame and it was slow, but managed to stitch these together.


The insects were out in force. Small flies buzzed around our heads the entire hike. While eating lunch on the peak, a bee repeatedly dived bombed me. The beast lit on my right ear delivering a sting. Fran used the tweezers from the first aid kit to pull the stinger out. That was my first bee sting in 50 years. The thunderstorms over the high desert delivered the continuous roar of thunder reverbing off the canyon walls for the descent.

Re: Ontario Peak 8/11 - still water at Kellys

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:05 pm
by norma r
Water God's: good. Bee stings and annoying flies: bad. Thunder reverberation in the canyon: cool!

Re: Ontario Peak 8/11 - still water at Kellys

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:35 am
by Hikin_Jim
Nice pano.

And thanks for the water report.