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Bighorn Peak -- Have I Got It Right?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:58 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Having had so much fun labeling my last photo...

Have I got Bighorn Peak right in this one? (click to enlarge)


Re: Bighorn Peak -- Have I Got It Right?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:31 pm
by HikeUp
Bighorn Peak is slightly to the left, in front of and lower than Cucamonga (can't actually distinguish it from the background).

What you have labeled as Bighorn Peak is just some random hump along Ontario Ridge. I think the pointy hump on that ridge that is just to the right of the "k" in "Bighorn Pk" is actually Ontario Pk.

What you have labeled as Sugarloaf is Frankish I think. Looks like your picture is taken from the PCT at the upper end of Hawkins Ridge.

I could be wrong.

Re: Bighorn Peak -- Have I Got It Right?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:47 pm
by Taco
What you have listed as Sugarloaf is actually an un-named subpeak of Ontario. Sugarloaf would be left, and down a bit. I can't tell if it's visible because of my screen resolution.

Re: Bighorn Peak -- Have I Got It Right?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:06 am
by HikeUp
What he said.

Re: Bighorn Peak -- Have I Got It Right?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:43 am
by Hikin_Jim
So, can we pick out Bighorn at all? Here's a zoom (below). Again, you can click to enlarge.
Ignore the "Sugarloaf" label in the previous photo. I agree that is incorrect. Thanks for the catch on that one.

The photo was indeed taken from the PCT while en route from Windy Gap to Mt. Hawkins this past Saturday. I believe this was taken just past the turn off for the Hawkins Ridge Trail.


Re: Bighorn Peak -- Have I Got It Right?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:12 am
by HikeUp
I think this is right...

I think Sugarloaf is just below where the word "Iron" is in my picture above.

ACME FU (A=Cucamonga, C=Iron, B=Bighorn)...

Re: Bighorn Peak -- Have I Got It Right?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:43 am
by Hikin_Jim
OK, I'll buy that on Bighorn Pk. Your Acme Fu has won me over. :)

I think Ontario is one to the right, though.